Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sadie Says

Another weekly installment of "Sadie Says" coming right up! Been a couple of weeks away from the keyboard . Where to start? Mom has been working outside more lately. She is starting to take me with her when she is in the yard close to the house. Have to get used to following her around. The decision to pick some raspberries at the edge of the yard left me to sit, OR to expend some of my energy. Did a little bit of both. For a few minutes I picked raspberries off the canes closest to the ground, while Mom got the berries at the top. Then it came to me to make a game out of the whole thing. I became an explorer. Dense weeds and brush - no matter! Didn't get to far away before I lost sight of Mom. (not to hard I'm still kind'a short) Really don't go very far yet , need my Mom to keep me happy. One of the bad things about heading into the weeds. I have to sit still and let the hairbrush take out all the round little seeds I got stuck in my ears when I get back into the house. EEEEK! Hate that thing!!! After a full day of keeping Mom occupied, time to stop, and enjoy the sunset...Hope you all have a few minutes to stop and enjoy what nature has to offer. Be seein' you around. ;)


  1. Sadie eats raspberries? That surprised me for some reason.

  2. :) I've always wondered what was going through a dog's head - and now we know! I think if I did a post about our dog from his perspective it would something like this: When will they feed me? I'm hungry. Oh boy, they're gonna pet me! I love getting my belly rubbed. I'm hungry. Oh boy, let's go for a walk! I'm hungry.

    Something like that.

  3. kristine - Not so sure she eats the raspberries for sure. She was stripping the leaves with berries off the canes while I was working up higher. Her perception of what the alpha female was doing?

    tom sorensen - Sadie has those thoughts too. ;)

    Does your dog like treats so much that if you don't offer one when it thinks you should it will get pushy/demanding?

    What fun they are!

  4. The sunset picture is awesome.

    Sounds like you have a typical dog there. You have to love the puppy state. I don't think mine is ever going to outgrow it.

  5. simplyoutdoors - I think they get better about the time they turn 2 yrs old. Maybe not...;)

    They are worth it!

  6. That is cute from Sadie's view. Dogs sure are like kids. Mine has been up at odd hours this week. Up at midnight then 3 a.m. Wanting out, wanting a treat.

  7. the hunter's wife - I know what you mean about getting up very early.

    Sadie has been chasing lightning bugs, no other reason to go outside but the bugs. ;(

  8. Kristine Sadie certainly eats raspberries?

  9. A sweet post....Sadie is lucky to have you to take care of her and spoil her. Great pics too!

  10. marian love phillips - Thanks for stopping by...Pictures can paint a thousand words. ;)


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