Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Saturn SC1 VS Deer

In one lane Highway 14, Marshall County Iowa, Hubby's Saturn SC1 encountered a conflict of interest last night on his way home from his Experimental Aircraft Association meeting. Two entities trying to share the same space at the same time. Hubby said he came upon the back-side of a deer in the middle of his lane before he was aware of its presence,it went up and over. This is the first deer that had a total impact with either of our vehicles. Years ago, Hubby had a side mirror removed by a side attack of a deer while driving a few miles to the east of us. I myself haven't collided, but had a few close calls. Damage was relatively light given the after dark collision. Crumpled the hood leaving a mid line dent, rearranged the front fender, moved the alignment of the left headlight...The deer was not to be seen after he stopped to assess whether the radiator was functional to make the trip home. We consider him fortunate to be able to continue to drive the car. So many people have cars taken out of commission with their car vs high deer population accidents...


  1. Glad to see that hubby is okay and that the car received minimal damage. I have yet to smack a deer with a vehicle (knock on wood), but I know I'm always on the lookout for them when I"m driving. They are everywhere!

  2. simplyoutdoors - It is a rare occassion when we can say we haven't hit a deer given the time we have been out on the road.

    Yes, Knocking on wood may continue to set a good parameter around your cars.;)

  3. Wow good thing your hubby didn't get hurt. I've heard stories of them going in through the windshield and landing in the back seat!
    We get a lot of deer strikes here, especially around the rut season. My husband has hit many.

  4. windyridge - Yes, I have heard those stories as well.

    Our daughter and her husband have had three or four deer incidents with the same car in North Dakota. Get it fixed and sometimes before they get it fixed again they have another incident.

    You just stand back and shake your head at the damage they do.

  5. Glad that your husband is o.k. and the car still runs. We have a lot of car deer collisions where I live, but so far I've been lucky enough not to hit one. I have seen some cars that were pretty badly damaged from hitting a deer though.

  6. kristine - It is simply amazing what the force of a deer, plus the speed of a vehicle can do.

    Glad to hear you haven't been side-swiped by a deer either.

    The problem isn't specific to one state or area it is wide spread...


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