Friday, September 19, 2008

I Love Your Blog Award

I was up early checking out the Blogs I try to frequent everyday. Stopped by Marian's Hunting Stories etc.,etc., etc..., Simply Outdoors, onto The Hunter's Wife , just to name a few. OH MY Goodness!!! What am I reading here? After rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out , finding my glasses... I found my site among some other Bloggers that Jody tagged for a little fun info exchange. Looks very simple,just copy, paste, and personlize. I'm Game! Here it goes. ;) 1. Where is your cell phone? Counter top 2. Where is your significant other? Working on my car 3. Your hair color? Brown 4. Your mother? Recuperating from knee revision surgery 5. Your father? Deceased 6. Your favorite thing? Computer 7. Your dream last night? None - Do I sleep? ;) 8. Your dream/goal? To be able to travel whenever I feel like it 9. The room you’re in? Living room 10. Your hobby? One of my hobbies is raising plants 11. Your fear? Crossing huge bodies of water 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Financially sound 13. Where were you last night? Home 14. What you’re not? A diva 15. One of your wish-list items? To get all the sports equipment I want 16. Where you grew up? Iowa /Arizona 17. The last thing you did? Got out of bed 18. What are you wearing? PJ's 19. Your TV? 8 year old zenith 20. Your pet? Sadie 21. Your computer? Acer Aspire 22. Your mood? Happy 23. Missing someone? Hubby when he has a lot to do. 24. Your car? Chevy Cavalier 25. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes 26. Favorite store? Outdoor supply stores 27. Your summer? Hot 28. Love someone? Hubby 29. Your favorite color? Blue 30. When is the last time you laughed? Today 31. Last time you cried? Tuesday while I was doing dishes I’m suppose to tag 7 others. I believe some of the ones I would tag have already been tagged, my pass along list will be shorter. Okay girls, here is your "I Love Your Blog Award." Marian's Hunting Stories etc., etc.,etc... Windyridge at On a Ridge Artemis at 12 Months of Winter


  1. Congrats to you for winning the "I Love Your Blog Award"...and for nominating me! I really appreciate you and your friendship. Thanks so much! :)

  2. Thanks for the link. Congrats on the award.

  3. That would be nice to travel whenever you wanted. I like that!

  4. Marian Love Phillips- Thanks! I do "Love" checking out what is new in your neighborhood. Now, it's your turn to be a part of the fun, friend! ;)

    Simplyoutdoors - Glad to be able to point people to your website. Thanks!

    The Hunter's Wife - Yes, it would be wonderful to be able to take off and go whenever we wanted...
    Wouldn't it? ;)

  5. I thought this award was kind of a fun one. I'd like to be able to travel where ever I wanted too. Although I don't like to fly commercially, so I'd also have to be wealthy enough to have a private jet. :-)

  6. kristine - So many places to see and experience. Your private jet would be a great way to get there! ;)

    Can always dream ? Lots of fun!


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