Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sadie Says - GONE NUTS!!!!

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.... YUMMY, or at least I think yummy??? The last couple of weeks I have been getting a taste of some commodities that are hitting the ground. I will use the phrase used by Chicken Little in the children's story,"The Sky is Falling!" Every time I walk outside these days I hear something thudding onto the ground or plunking down onto the pick-up sitting in the drive. Mom keeps telling me what's happening ,but I'm just a puppy ...reminders are always welcome. We have a friendly competition to see who can find those hidden morsels on the ground every time we are outside. I thought since Mom was so interested in them I would give them a try. Great CRUNCH factor! I will put a name to the tree and it's nuts. It is Hickory a member of the Walnut family. You've seen our Oak trees which have had a real good crop of acorns this season. The animals dependent on them for a food source should have a good supply, at least until the snow covers them over. Then there are Black Walnut trees galore. Some of the walnuts have already dropped from the trees leaving the rind to mature and begin the cycle of the squirrels constant drive to tuck them beneath the dirt until they are all hidden.(EVERYWHERE!) ;)


  1. During my hunt last weekend I could hear acorns dropping all around me. Hopefully they will be plentiful this year and bring the deer in for me.

    I would love to see Sadie crunching on a walnut.

  2. simplyoutdoors - Lord knows Sadie would try to crunch a walnut if given the chance! She'd take that awful, stinky outer husk off to get to the inside. That is why she is being steered clear of the abundant drops at the moment.

    Yes, I too am hoping the acorns will bring the deer some food to get them brought in close. Maybe get them bulked up. They seem a bit on the small side this season.

  3. One thing we don't have any of out in our country - nut trees...no acorns, walnuts, nothing. Would like to plant an acorn tree and see if I can grow a little something to encourage the deer...maybe mule deer like acrons too and they just never knew it!

  4. tom sorenson - I've done a little research on Oaks(Quercus) in Idaho. Do you know what planting zone you are in? I see that the Burr Oak might work if you live in planting zone 3.

    Luck would have it that is the dominant Oak here at Timber Life and we would be glad to share if you wanted to try to get a timber started out your way. ;)

  5. cdgardens, I live in planting zone 6-7 in southern idaho. Would burr oak live here?

  6. Sadie gone nuts again? Cute post and very informative. I just took pictures of an old oak tree that will soon be cut down due to age while walking Katie our peek-a-poo. It is already marked and hangs over a main street here. We have a lot of squirrels and also owls that hang out in them. No nuts to speak of!

  7. Cory Glauner - The Burr Oak will grow in zones 3A -8A. So, yes they will grow in your area according to climate. However, I don't know what the soils are in your area.

    Marian Love Phillips - It is sad when big old trees have to be taken down. They do get rotten and unsafe, better to take those down before they put people and property in peril.

    You aren't kidding! Sadie is always making life interesting. ;)

  8. ha ha i love to see walnuts.


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