Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sadie Says "Meeting the family!"

Quality time with nephew,Champ It all started Friday night, a little before midnight. Somebody was walking into my house that I had not had the opportunity to meet yet. Woke my Mom up with my barking to make sure all was as it was supposed to be. My Dad had left earlier in the day to go to an antique airplane fly-in for the weekend...So, it wasn't him coming in. My youngest two legged sister was bringing my 2 canine nieces and nephew to visit. The humans had plans for a family picture on Sunday. This is the first time since leaving my mom and family in South Dakota that I have been in a doggy group. I really didn't know how to fit in for a bit. Getting nipped a couple of times by the two old ladies gave me a complex...Sorry it took me almost until the time they left to feel like I belonged to "The Pack." Cesar Milan, "The Dog Whisperer", would be proud of us! ;)In the lead Peaches, back left Champ, right of Peaches is Kahlua, then me at right tail end Followed the group out for a play time in the puddles before they had to get back in the car for the long ride home on Monday morning. I was at a loss when they were gone. Kept checking the room where they stayed while they were here,and went outside to look around where we played. Had a lot of fun being apart of their group.
Guess I will have to get in the car one of these days with Mom and Dad to go visit...


  1. Looks like they were all having a great time.

    Our dog loves his playtime with his cousin. They terrorize the property for quite awhile when they get together.

  2. simplyoutdoors - It was really fun to see Sadie bloom from introduction until the time she had to say good-bye.

    I am sure she will have a good time when she gets another opportunity to visit with her nieces and nephew.

    I bet your dog could cover a lot of territory when he plays. ;)


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