Saturday, September 6, 2008

Turkey Trot

These toms found it pleasing to stop by for a few bugs twice in 12 hours. Hubby caught them yesterday evening on his camera. Tried my amateur turkey calling skill to see what kind of reaction we would get from them. If you watch the video you will hear all kinds of activity going on in the house. It was surprising that all the noise didn't chase them back into the timber sooner than it did. We find each encounter entertaining from day to day...;)


  1. Enjoyed the video. Some good looking birds there. Sounds like your turkey calling caught their attention.

    By the way, thanks for updating my new blog link.

  2. mel - It was fun to catch those guys on video.

    Yes, I believe that the turkey calling intimidated them and sent them on their way back to the timber.

    Glad to keep pointing people in your direction. I know I enjoy catching your posts.

  3. windyridge - Guess we have a lot in common even though we are at least 1500miles apart.

    Where's your video? ;)

  4. Great video. I think the calling got their attention.

  5. SimplyOutdoors- Thanks! Yes, I must agree about getting their attention with the calling. Made me laugh to see them turn and run! ;)

  6. I get that reaction from turkeys more than I'd like to admit.

  7. cory glauner - I am just learning to use the mouth calls. I would like to try a slate call on some live birds.

    Linda K. Burch introduced Hubby and I to calling at a Cabela's Open House last spring. Had a great time under her tutelage. ;)


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