Sunday, March 8, 2009

2009 Iowa Deer Classic

A birds eye view of the Hy-Vee Hall full of exhibitors for Deer Huntresses and Hunters to locate their favorite products to create a positive hunting experience.

The trip to the Iowa Deer Classic this year came on the second day, March 7th. Hubby and I arrived around 10:00 A.M. to get our tickets and get down to the show floor to see what was available.
My check list this year included getting information on the Shadow Hunter elevated blinds. Given the opportunity that would be the brand I would invest my money on. The other things on my check list included a ground blind,a bow,some trail cameras, to checkout the deer heads and sheds. I wanted to see the antlers rated from 180-200. An awesome retail presentation on first glance from the hallway to the show floor.I didn't take the time to see every deer head there, but I did find one that was impressivly scored at 227 1/2. It was taken in a county just to the southeast of us. Hope some day his offspring will find it's way in our direction. The crowd developed while we were looking things over,to the point trying to move from place to place became a challenge. A good indicator of the interest of the huntresses and hunters in Iowa. ;) A teen-aged young man showing his skill in 3-D archery. He hit all of the targets with what I would consider effective shots should it have been a real life experience.Byron Ferguson, expert archer at his booth in between seminars,second day of the 2009 Iowa Deer Classic , March 7th.


  1. Sounds like a great time. And a great show.

    That Byron Ferguson puts on one heck of a show as well.

  2. Simply Outdoors - Mr. Ferguson has a real talent for the use of his bow.

    We did have a good time. What I do suggest is to plan in advance for spending money. I saw a bunch of things that would have been cheaper had I been able to purchase them at the Deer Classic.

    No matter...I did enjoy checking out the deer heads - antler scoring rules.


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