Sunday, March 8, 2009


After the whole of last week without rain,or snow... The weekend arrived,giving us some honest to goodness thunder, and lightening starting off at 1:40 A.M. on Saturday. I sat down to the computer to do some blog reading around 11:30 A.M. today, it was just raining. I turned around at 11:55 A.M. to go into the kitchen, looking out the sliding glass door, I was Surprised that it gotten cold enough to allow snow to fall for a few hours. Tonight all the snow has gone, but while it lasted, the white, huge, heavy flakes filled the air with beauty as they rushed to cover the ground...;)


  1. We are snow free right now, but you never know in our state - it could change any minute.

  2. Simply Outdoors - I think if you live in the Midwest you can say "If you wait just a minute the weather will change..." Wishing you some warmer days to get out and around! ;)

  3. It's March alright. Some sun, more wind, some clouds, some rain, some snow, and then a little sun again. You would think Ol' Man Winter was using up all his resources here pretty soon.

  4. Mel - Yes sir. Old man winter has to have his grip loosened ever so slowly... his time is over come next week. ;)

  5. If we have another snow like we did last week and half ago here in Mississippi we will be surprised....LOL Nice pictures cdgardens! By the way, temps started dropping today after a high of 82 yesterday...crazy weather all over the place.

  6. Marian Love Phillips - Do you need the rain? I know cooler than normal temps aren't always welcome from my own experience.

    Things are going to improve very shortly. Even better than last year at the same point. ;)


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