Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dancing with the Stars - Shawn Johnson

It is fun to see Miss Shawn Johnson, a fellow Iowan, and 2008 Olympic gymnastic medalist, sharing her bubbly 17 year old character with the world once again. When she smiles and laughs it is hard to keep a straight face. I wish her well in her new endeavour in Dancing with the Stars...


  1. As many people that watch this show I haven't. I have seen a few episodes but that is about it.

    I might have to start watching like this, on youtube. :)

  2. The Hunter's Wife - I am with you. I don't watch Dancing with the Stars, or what have been titled reality shows...

    I totally spaced off Miss Johnson would be on the other night. I am glad we have people out there with youtube connections for a second chance. ;)

  3. I love watching Dancing with the Stars...I guess because I love to dance myself...I wish her luck. She did real well. :)

  4. Marian Love Phillips - Dancing is artistic expression and when I do watch it, my reaction is one of "Awe". They work hard at getting things performance worthy.

    Yes,Shawn and her dance partner did a great job the other night. Hope they can keep going...;)


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