Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sadie Says - A Year Old and Counting

It was my 1st Birthday on March 18th,2009. I am so happy to be a part of Timber Life! ;) My goodness of all the days that have past since I started exploring the big old wide world.Aren't I a Sweetheart? One of my first excursions onto the floor of the alley way beside my kennel on May 2,2008 Yes, on March 18th, mom and dad gave me a little party to celebrate my 1st Birthday. Just to think it won't be until May 15th, that we will pass another milestone, a year since I made the trip from Madison,SD., to Central Iowa. Mom met Dorothy Sanborn from South Dakota's Countryside Kennels at the Sioux Falls, SD., Pilot to bring me home. Mom and I have had some growing pains, but we are getting to know each other real well. There is a very strong mutual admiration society happening here. A real plus is that I was house broken by the time I was 5 1/2 months old. Mom has heard it is hard to get a Springer Spaniel potty trained...not at my house it wasn't. I am a smart girl. My favorite new tricks are to twirl and roll-over,for a treat of course. Mom has started trusting me to run off my leash when we go into the timber. How very happy that has made me! We get to go together now. There are a couple of small creeks with water running, you should see the M-U-D up to my shoulders. Can't possibly avoid it don't you know?!? All I would like to say in closing is that this is turning out to be heaven in my book. Just a chance to live the Timber Life... ;)


  1. Sadie Girl - Happy Birthday! Your sure looking good, and, glad you get to take mom outdoors for a little time to bond with her.

  2. Mel- Thank you very much Mr. Mel. It is going to get funner and funner to be outside. Have you heard - Spring is here?!? ;)

  3. Wow, it's been almost a year since you got Sadie! Time flies doesn't it? She's certainly added another dimension to your blog.

  4. Kristine - Sadie helps me to open up my imagination. Placing human expression on an animal. Makes me laugh to try to imagine what she would say.

    Yes, won't be long until she will have been a part of the family for a whole year. ;)

  5. I can't believe it has been a whole year. That is incredible. Time sure does fly.

    And all dog/human relationships have growing pains; stick with it, though, it can pay off big time like it did for me last weekend.

    A well-behaved companion is a sure thing of beauty.

  6. Simply Outdoors- We had some different experiences last week with Sadie. She had not had the chance to be with little kids very much. The chance arose for our 5 year old grandson and 8 year old granddaughter to put her through her paces. It was fun to see her listen to our granddaughter to get her through the tricks she knows.

    All of the sudden it feels like she has reached a new level of understanding. ;)

  7. Sadie is such a cute cute girl. I love that picture of her. I know she is a lot of company for you! Thanks for sharing. Give her a pat on the head for me! Again, Happy Birthday Sadie! :)

  8. Marian Love Phillips - Thank you Marian...She vocalizes when she wants to go outside. A pro-active dog, she pulls on my sleeve and bumps my hand with her head when I'm typing. lol ;)


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