Thursday, March 15, 2018

Our Trip from Wheatland, WY. to Hot Springs, SD

Views I wanted to remember from our trip from Wheatland, Wyoming to Hot Springs,South Dakota.
The log ,steel roofed abode, second picture from the bottom left,looks like someone trying to renovate for a possible future gives me a vision for a resettlement anyway.

Some of the homes we saw had better days in their pasts. Days that the homes probably held new life, struggles and trials of everyday events but Celebrations and Successes weren't without consideration either for they too are apart of most everyone's journey...

As  passers-by in Lusk, Wyoming we were met with small town ambiance. The first building in the downtown area,top right gave us a menu of the businesses available to fulfill our needs. We took a left by that building onto the main thouroughfare through town and headed up highway 18 to our next destination Hot Springs,South Dakota.
I don't know if you've ever had the pleasure to travel out west but being a Mid-Westerner I find the change in landscape and atmosphere very appealing. Personal history or memories also have a way of  drawing us back to help us further explore the things we didn't get to experience before. Having foreknowledge of the area can help us focus in order to make use of our short time traversing to the already planned events.

Corey and I spent a little time before sundown heading out from Hot Springs to Custer to check our route for the Buffalo Round-up the early morning of September 29,2017.

I've already written about our visit to the Round-up and to the Sportsman's supply stores Cabela's and Scheel's. However, I still have some pictures and thoughts to share of a few other sidetrips we made in the Hills...I'll be working on getting those together for future moments to share.

Time to wish you, Have a Great Day!

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