Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Visit to Strategic Air Command

Today, I want to go back to the beginning of the month, Saturday, April 7,2018, to be exact. It had been in the planning stages off an on for the last couple of years...A trip to the Strategic Air Command in Ashland,NE. of course!
A small group of the guys from Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 675 decided to head out for a field trip. My husband Corey, long-time EAA 675 Newsletter Editor and I picked-up a young flight instructor from Perry,IA by the name of Jonathan Walter. So he too could enjoy an outing, walking under the wings of our historic giant Warbirds.

As we drove up the entrance drive to the parking lot we were met with this glass atrium enclosure covering the SR - 71 Blackbird.

I really liked the color contrast of the Convair SM-65 Atlas missle standing guard over it's surrounding backdrop. The air was crip and warming as the sun spent more time hovering overhead.We found a space to park...wandered around outside snapping a few pictures and then ended up inside to start touring at our own paces. Thank you to the gentleman and his wife that each added their push the button presence to our club cameras.

Paul Adams -Club President, Dianna Butcher, Corey Butcher ,to the back of Corey,Jonathan Walter,
Robert Richtsmeier,Joaquin Williams in front and Dave McCurry rounds out our entourage for the day.


I won't be adding any pictures today of the Planes we saw during our visit to the two spacious display areas. However, please keep checking back for my view of the mammouth Warbirds.

I would like to share the storyboard that I found sitting  beside the SR-71 as we waited to gather for the club picture.

Taking words from the sign... Let's


Have a Great Day!

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