Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture 2018 - Day 1

Sunday morning July 22,2018, Corey and I stirred out of bed to pack the car to start the journey to my first experience at what is considered the meeting of all meetings for those interested in buying kits or plans for creating home-built airplanes. It includes so many venues to do with the history of flight and the product of men's vision turned into reality.

Our trip had us headed northeast to the venue EAA Airventure  in Oshkosh,WI created by a man named Paul Poberezny. It was time to make a personal appearance at AirVenture to offer the possibility of getting a set of plans for Corey's concept plane the Voisin 3/5.

Paul Poberezny founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association stopped by the Replica Fighter Association's Headquarters to address a  forum the year Corey took his plane to introduce  the
World War l French Bomber design.

A definite highlight of  that trip so many years ago was being able to discuss the history of Aviation
spanning Continents  with Mr. Poberezny.
We had made our stop to obtain the admission bracelets for the week and once again got on the road to find  our accommodations.

Driving Wisconsin Highway 41 in front of AirVenture I was continually finding interesting photo subjects.

This  Billboard was an attention getter and a beacon  for a record breaking crowd at this year's gathering of Aviation enthusiasts.
Our destination for July 22-July 28,2018

The fastest way for some AirVenture  attendees to arrive was to set a Notam for Oshkosh's Wittman Airport. 

You can see the runways in the map above are adjacent to the EAA grounds.

As I look at the calendar I see it was one month ago today that I got to see some new territory.

Time to end my little post  for the first day of our excursion. If you got to go I hope you too can remember the sights and sounds of all the planes overhead and on display. The adrenaline rush that came with hearing engines rev to put the props or jets skyward.

Until next time...Have a great day!

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