Sunday, November 29, 2020

Synopsis of AirVenture 2018 - Finale

This blogpost will be as we entered the final hours of our day on Friday, July 27,2018.

I wanted to take a few minutes to step away from the group after I had finished enjoying my meal. 

Excusing  myself , I picked up my camera and headed across the street. Corey was still sitting at the table conversing with businessman Sam Watrous and his son about their training trip to Brussels, Belgium for Verner Radial Engines.

 I had the opportunity to meet another advertiser to the Replica Fighters Magazine prior to the  award ceremony too, Len Bechtold and a few others from the Titan Aircraft Supply . They are the Manufacturers of the Replica T-51B / T-51D and the Tornado series of Ultra-Lights.

Great  to meet everyone  actively involved with furthering the aviation hobbyist in owning flying machines of their own.

One of the  reasons I’ve become acquainted with the Replica Fighters Association was due to someone close to me over 45 and a half years, my husband Corey.

The plans to build his World War l concept plane ,incorporating two versions , three and five of the French Voisin Bombers came at the end of 2003.

 I’ve been a part of his aviation enthusiasm ever since he decided to begin his aircraft  ownership with a couple of ultralights

Paul Poberezny founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association stopped by the Replica Fighter Association's Headquarters to address a  forum the year Corey took his plane to introduce  the World War l French Bomber design to other builders of like mind .

A definite highlight of  that trip for Corey so many years ago was being able to discuss the history of Aviation spanning Continents  with Mr. Poberezny.

Stepping back into my last visit to the Paul Poberezny Pavilion ,  and reflecting on what I had experienced at AirVenture 2018, all I could think was ,”One more picture…please.”

Thank you for taking time with me to reflect on those memories that I felt were important during our Journey to Oshkosh. Just a warning, it isn't to say I won't revisit some of the places I've spoken of in the last few days but there certainly has been a lot of life lived since that week away from home.

Until the next post...Have a great day!

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