Saturday, November 28, 2020

Synopsis of my AirVenture 2018 Journey - Part 3

Thursday,July 26,2018, was another day away from AirVenture 2018  to pursue a scenic drive in the Wisconsin countryside. We packed a picnic lunch and headed over to Lake Michigan via Collins Marsh and Neustader Nature Center located at Collins,WI. . Corey and I repeated a route visited by he, his brother Bryan and friend  Ralph Briggs in 2016.

Going in the direction of Manitowoc we headed for the Lakefront.We didn't know of the work they had done to incorporate walking trails for all those visiting along the shore to enjoy but the white sands and clear water with gentle breeze was very calming.

Onto Cleveland ,to Hika Bay Park where we had a Lakeside view with water lapping only a few feet away from our picnic table. I couldn’t get over how clear the water was as we walked out onto the dock to get a picture.

We continued the shoreline drive down to Sheboygan,then turned back in-land to Fond du Lac and back up to Oshkosh passing the Seaplane Base. We then went through Oshkosh ending our loop back in Appleton from where we began earlier in the morning.

 On Friday Corey went into AirVenture for the day and I joined him for the late  afternoon…Arriving not long before the Replica Fighters Association hosted finale to the week, an awards banquet.

Picture By - Myron Winchester: RFA Awards Banquet July 27,2018

Thanks for stopping by today to see what happened on this part of our journey at EAA AirVenture 2018. I have one more installment to complete our week at Oshkosh,please check back later...

Have a great day!

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