Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Synopsis of my AirVenture 2018 Journey - Part 2

Tuesday rolled around and Corey needed to be at Replica Fighters Headquarters early to man the information desk to answer questions for potential members to the club.I stayed at the hotel for some down time because of  becoming ill as we prepared to leave home on Sunday. I did get out of the hotel when Corey picked me up to come back to  attend the movie Dunkirk with him. The evening air made for a pleasant event at the Airbus Theater as it became cool and crisp sitting in the open air.
Wow! Wednesday on the horizon and I decided to give walking the grounds another try. Corey had some RFA business to attend to so I was on my own for awhile. I wanted to get over to the M.A.S.H reenactment village since my Dad served in the Korean War.
I broke down in tears -
1. Because I wasn't feeling well and 
2. Because  memories of the pictures of my Dad's days overseas flooded my thoughts as I looked at the Military vehicles sitting in front of me.

Later in the Day it was time to go see some jets on static display…

Corey and I spent a little while walking through the planes but one caught my attention immediately! 

Maybe you recognize it already!

One of my favorite Corporate Jets hailing from Iowa , the Millennium Phenom once again bringing  to the  viewers delight the Star Wars Theme  of the 1970’s. 

If you ever get to stand beside the plane like I've done on a couple different occasions take note of all the nuances incorporated in the design. An absolutely fabulous paint job!

Thanks to Corey for catching this moment for me while we were out and about.

The clouds began building over the crowds milling about AirVenture late Wednesday afternoon. The radar didn’t indicate precipitation but as a student of Mother Nature I insisted we needed to make our last calls for the day and head off to our hotel for the night. I so appreciated Corey’s patience with my introverted character in such an extroverted setting. After returning to our lodging a torrential downburst exploded outside confirming my intuition about developing rain. 

Thursday took us in a totally different direction than the last three days. Please come back and see where our Journey took us next.

Have a great day!

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