How are things going for you this fine first week of April?
Today it appears the weather will be wonderful. The change is coming later today, back down to the more
typical temperatures for this time of year, maybe a little cooler than normal.
Last week I didn't stop in for a chat because the outdoors was calling...Working on getting fallen wood from our ice storms of February moved out of the way for the farmer who rents our ground. The hay baler may not function properly with limbs in its path. The yard looks better without the extra twigs etc. Amazingly after picking up underneath two trees I filled a quarter of the bed of a long box ,full sized, Ford pickup.
It has been fun to see the animals enjoying the changes of the season.
The wild honeybees are out looking around for some nourishment. They come to investigate when I am out working around the house. They live in a tree, in a hollow part, not far away. Seven years ago this May we experienced an awesome sight. Apparently the hive was getting to big to support itself. We watched the bees gather on the side of the birdbath. Later the Queen led the way of a large contingent away into the timber. After watching that event I looked for the new home that I expected them to make. What I found was lost bees, they were lifeless only a few days later, clinging to plants or foliage within line of sight.
Since the mass movement seven years ago we haven't witnessed anything of that magnitude. In the summer we do treat the bees with respect. When it is hot and dry they do become more agitated in the heat of the day so we mow around their tree in the cool of the day - either in the morning, or late afternoon.
We are looking for the Hummingbirds and Orioles to return very soon. A whole list of other birds have come back to be apart of the woodland and open ground population. Last week there were some wood ducks making their presence known.
What a joy to see the "New Beginnings" for another year...