Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What Do You See?

There is another picture I would like to get your point of view on. It came back in January when we were plagued by some foggy days and nights. You will have to concentrate for a little while before your eyes will become accustomed to what you are looking at, or maybe not... Are you able to see it? These little critters have had their moments in making our life interesting when they decide they want a place to set-up housekeeping, mainly in the winter months. I keep reminding myself we moved into their territory not the other way around. We just made it easier to find a warmer place to get comfy-cozy...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Byron Ferguson Iowa Deer Classic Seminar

As Hubby and I walked the display floor opening day of the Iowa Deer Classic, Friday afternoon, we found Mr. Ferguson's booth pre-seminar. A very interesting display of what he has to offer the public to inform and promote the skill of longbow archery. If you aren't familiar with his talent and would like to know more about him, please slide your mouse over the picture below for his web url.
Byron Ferguson, a very skilled longbow archer, brought his talents to the Hunter's Specialties Stage at the 2008 Iowa Deer Classic.

Here he is taking some time between shots to tell the audience what got him started in archery, and the experiences that have challenged him through the years. He provided 30 minutes of fun filled entertainment. If you ever have the chance to see Mr. Ferguson demonstrate his trick shot abilities in person it will be well worth your time.