Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joining the Morel Mushroom Hunters

Ahhh, 4:00 in the afternoon rolled around yesterday. The bird sound went off on the wall clock and Sadie headed for the door to go outside. I pulled myself away from the Office Professional Word 2007 individual studies I have been working on...Away we went! This week,the week before Mother's Day, is usually the week we start seeing morels here,then it seems to end abruptly at that point, or we stop looking. It took me a while to find them. I went to the place that has been the most productive since we moved here and started searching. As you can see they are hiding out of view. I removed some vegetation before snapping a couple of pictures. The timber has been holding moisture, a down slope from the tillable ground has brought the water to the surface . Sadie and I felt pretty good after our romp in the woods. She found the water and had a good mud-pack going on;I found some mushrooms to put on the table for supper. What a great way to end the day?!? ;)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stinging Nettles Anyone?

Yes, you heard me. Stinging Nettles - What do you know about them? Other than they can give you a serious prickly sensation after you come in contact with them. It is a multi-faceted plant when it comes to practical uses. Not only are stinging nettles edible but you can make beer, garden fertilizer, nutritional supplements, folk medication, shampoos,skin care products and using the fiber. Only most of us aren't aware of what it can do for us - we consider it an invasive menace. It has been used in Europe,Asia and Northern Africa for centuries. Last week I harvested some new spring leaves and cooked them up just like spinach. The instructions I found said to use the first growth of the spring. Plants are not to be more than a foot tall, using the leaves only from the top four inches. Unlike cooked spinach the leaves didn't become limp but had texture. Yes, the "sting" was removed.
Find out more about Urtica dioica here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinging_nettle

Sunday Morning Praise

As world events, turmoil in my own State & our Country seem to keep tumbling out of control. I run to the source of my faith...Jesus the Son of God said that life wouldn't be smooth sailing,that tribulation would be par for the course. However, he came to give us hope.
There are times when the creature has this innate need to offer Praise and Thanksgiving to the creator. Internal peace from insecurity in the world's system can be gained because his promises remain the same Yesterday, Today and Forever...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fishing Choices at Timber Life

It is time to plan a fishing outing now that my "Pink" Roddy Hunter LED Lighted Reel&Rod has arrived. When I ordered I wasn't satisfied with just one fishing pole so I looked around over at Mik Lurch's website www.miklurchtackle.com and found a ladyfish spincasting combo by Shakespeare that I wanted to try too. One way or another it looks like I will get a line in the water. Once,I wasn't to sure about using pink on my fishing expeditions,but the idea has grown on me after being introduced to it by Jody over at The Hunter's Wife. I can't possibly let Kristine at Outdoor Bloggers Summit/Hunt Smart Think Safety and Marian over at Marian's Hunting Stories,etc...,etc...,etc... have ALL the fun since they too are proud owners of the Roddy Hunter rod&reel combo. Last weekend when I visited Gun and Reel Sports in Jamestown,ND. I picked up the beginnings to start filling a tackle box. Son-in-law Justin Schnackenberg gave me some tips on stuff that has worked for him. So,walking the fishing supply isles we found some of the basics in his opinion.
The more I look at my fishing poles and tackle as I work on this post...The more I want to decide which direction I am going to go to put them in the water. www.iowadnr.gov/news/currentfish.html