Sunday, May 4, 2008

Milking Goats

Yes, this is me at the business end of a goat....
This past week was one of a personal enrichment experience. I learned how to milk a goat and to hold the legs while another person is doing the same so they won't lose the milk or get a rear hoof to the lip. Putting corn in the feeding tray of the stanchion helped to calm them until it was finished and keep them from trying to take off mid milking.

A neighbor lady of ours has gone through cancer surgery and her Dr. has started her on an 8 week course of chemotherapy - every two weeks. This past week her husband was out of town for his job. The oldest daughter who can be no more than 12 or 13 said she has been milking goats for 5-6 years. She has been the "Master Milker" while her mother is recuperating and father is out of town. Another neighbor lady, that lives across the road from me, and I went twice a day, Monday morning thru Friday morning. I ended my assistance on Thursday evening, and the other lady ended on Friday morning, since the man of the farm was to be back by the evening milking.

Friday morning we were off to Countryside Kennel at Madison,SD., to visit with our soon to be English Springer Spaniel puppy, "Sadie".

Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm SO Lonely...Oh So Lonely...

The song by the Beach Boys, "I'm So Lonely"... came to mind as I looked out the window and saw this turkey wandering around without any hens to accompany him in his ramblings about the timber. I snuck out the back door after turning the sound down on the television. Opened the door slowly, and made sure I didn't make a real heavy noise on the wooden steps that sit low for my short legs.

No!No!!! I didn't go out with a gun, or a bow. The camera was in hand. He had made another foray through the yard around noon a couple days before. Caught a glimpse of his side profile,then tail feathers as he was exiting. Must have heard me rambling around the house or saw motion by the windows. He is in a hurry now wanted to head for denser cover. To much attention from the non-turkey sector. It didn't take him long to get beyond my view. The weather remains unsettled ,but so far no more snow here. Just the forecast for more unneeded rain. It didn't come to mind in my hurry to get pictures, to try out my turkey calling skill, or lack there-of ,on this wayward Tom...