Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dancing with the Stars - Shawn Johnson

It is fun to see Miss Shawn Johnson, a fellow Iowan, and 2008 Olympic gymnastic medalist, sharing her bubbly 17 year old character with the world once again. When she smiles and laughs it is hard to keep a straight face. I wish her well in her new endeavour in Dancing with the Stars...

Sunday, March 8, 2009


After the whole of last week without rain,or snow... The weekend arrived,giving us some honest to goodness thunder, and lightening starting off at 1:40 A.M. on Saturday. I sat down to the computer to do some blog reading around 11:30 A.M. today, it was just raining. I turned around at 11:55 A.M. to go into the kitchen, looking out the sliding glass door, I was Surprised that it gotten cold enough to allow snow to fall for a few hours. Tonight all the snow has gone, but while it lasted, the white, huge, heavy flakes filled the air with beauty as they rushed to cover the ground...;)