Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sadie Says - Mom's Painting

Hi HO all!  If you don't know who I am yet , let me introduce myself! My name is  Sadie Sioux, or at least that is what my Mom calls me.

Mom thinks I need to reprise my once in awhile posts to keep everyone on top of  things happenin' here.

Well, I am here to give a report on Mom's slow as " Molasses in January" painting progress she started ,let's see now... When was it? wink wink

Sorry for the picture is kind of hard balancing, focusing, and snapping with a busy hind leg.

Uh, I guess I'd better tell you what Mom has added since letting you know what she has done since beginning way back when. wink wink

Okay, from my point of view she has added some trees, put a low sun coming up through the trees, and since she isn't a natural born artist she trying to figure out the colors - shading to make it all work. Let's just say she won't be upset when it hangs high to change the perspective.She is one of these people who learns by doing , and she does that on a regular basis.

My nose is beginning to ache from pounding the keyboard so I'll stop for now.

Be talkin' to you again soon !

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hunting Sheds

One activity that seems to be growing more popular the longer I read the hunting blogs-the search for the prominent adornments of the male Whitetail Deer.

I have taken  some time recently to search for the tine cast-offs of the bucks passing through. They are feeling the pain - taking it out on trees from less than an inch,ripping them totally off, to 4 + inches in diameter. The only thing now is to find those big antlers causing so many headaches.

Since starting my quest for the year I have found four singles; classifying them from good to best.

Sadie,Miss Kitty and me, were out February 2, and walked over a spike shed twice before realizing it was there underfoot. Sadie, was the one to draw my attention towards the ground - her action cued me to tell her to "drop it"! There wasn't anytime to get a picture of it, "as it lies".

After finding the spike , I led the animals back to the house, and went to the other side of the property on my own,  rambling about where a bunch of small trees were being coaxed into a sure death with a complete loss of bark.

February 2, 2012 4:57 p.m.
Spending another hour and a half wandering the trails I looked to my left...

AH YES! There on the ground by a shedding rub was a small four pointer at the end of the deer trail. I was headed out of the timber, resigned that I  wasn't going to find anything over here, when my surprise came.

The shed is laying about halfway between the two trees closest to the front of the picture. Make a triangle and you will find it at the top.

Can you see it?

February 9, 2012
Taking Sadie for a long walk, about a week from our last antler search ,I decided to follow the perimeter fence in a pasture.

Wandering for no more than 15 minutes that afternoon before this find came into view across the field.

Last year I found a small matched pair at the opposite end of this little pasture/crop field corridor.

So far the tally for this year is CDGardens - 3, Sadie - 1.

The active searches should take me into mid March, and passively looking will never end as things become uncovered over time.

Starting left to right -  1.)Third finding - pictured above on 2-9-12. 2.) Spike and small 4 pointer found 2-2-12. 3.) Far right antler was found late afternoon last Sunday, on a spur of the moment jaunt to exercise Sadie's nose and legs. I was glad she didn't see it first, it had already been gnawed by animals...small teeth marks scored the antler with the G2 tip becoming extremely thin and the G4 tip gone.

Are there any other methods to collect sheds other than the time consuming wandering some of  us choose to do?

A couple of ideas have come to mind in order to find some matched pairs of racks around here.

Wire Cages

The first option I might consider for upping my count are tall wire cages that I had initially placed in the middle of my small sampler deer food plots.

After getting the plots sprouted, the cages gave me a good showing of plant vigor. Everything outside the cage was eaten off.

Come winter 2009, on my chicory plus plot, before shed time,my cage got ripped out of the ground, and flattened by a mad buck. He had gotten caught too early...Sadly, no tines left behind.

Handy Gadget

Another idea that came to my attention through a recently received email from  Wildlife Obsession was this Rack Trap.

It looks like a great way to snag an antler or two! Less effort with a big benefit.

Here is what they say about this Bio-Logic product:

Collecting Shed antlers is one of the best ways to identify how many and which bucks on your property survived hunting season. When used correctly the rack trap is a easy way to attract deer and collect their antlers. This easy to install device includes heavy duty camo ratchet straps and can be attached to most trees.

Unlike other shed traps that entangle the deer's antlers causing potential harm,The Rack Trap Antler Trap is designed to simply and effectively apply pressure to the antlers, encouraging the natural shedding process as the deer is feeding.

Whether you decide to walk the deer grounds as I do, set up an antler trap of one kind, or another... Good Luck in your search !

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Visit to Habitat for Humanity ReStore Part 2

A week ago I got the chance to make my first visit to the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. It had a plethora of new, and used items available that has great potential be incorporated into someone's building plans. 

This aisle is one we spent a good deal of time sorting through the displays.

Des Moines has a couple of areas of large turn of the century homes - once owned by the founding businessmen...I can imagine these cast iron tubs being apart of the modern fixtures of that era, or a little beyond.

I was trying to imagine how one of them might work in our situation. A consideration also made was who would be lifting that tub in, and out, of our pick-up both here and at home. Well, the cast iron tubs remained on the showroom floor for someone else to arrange to take home.

My childhood home had a claw footed cast iron tub which comes to mind - my paternal grandmother's parent's built our two story farmhouse. I don't know much of their history, they passed away before I met them.

Hubby and I were checking out a bunch of things that day. Floor coverings of course are among many things yet to procure off the check-list. We found some linoleum, but decided we would pass it by that day. Waiting to get things in the order they are needed.

This was one of the used kitchen sets available upon our visit.  It created an  interest in me, not being sure of our total area, and almost positive we probably wouldn't be able to find additional matching cabinets, I left it. However,I bet it has found a home since our visit;a great value for someone at the price of $700.

They do carry new cabinets you can order by by style, color and your own configuration. Another option for those trying to find just the right look to fit their creative mental conceptions.

Hubby stopped to visit the ReStore a few days before our joint adventure. He sent me a cell phone picture of this awesome 8x10 area rug. I was glad to see it up close, and one day I believe at least one of similar design will be apart of the decor here at Timber Life.

The theme for our abode will need to encompass both the love of the outdoors and aeronautics; should prove an interesting feat to accomplish.

Eventually we came to some decisions, our initial excursion completed,and plans for return as the need arises.

Happy with our choices, we left with smiles on our faces....A great way to to start the day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nature's Happy Valentines Wishes

Yes, I would say this is certainly most often what comes to mind when one thinks of Valentines. A guy or gal with a vision of his/her love, one for the other in their eyes ...

Definitely one of Mother Nature's ways of bringing a quickening to the heart rate of the human animal.

Moving onto another aspect Mother Nature chooses for making our world complete is the wild animals that
bless our presence with color and song..

I was snapping pictures through my kitchen window of this Cardinal couple hanging out eating Burning Bush seeds last year at Valentines.

It didn't take long for me to envision something more...Using I was able to find some photo editing additions that enabled me to put together a nature inspired greeting.

Learning a few things about differences of  web based and print pictures - sometimes the best results for presentation is to keep it online. This one is included in that presentation type. I discovered it to be so recently.
My second nature inspired Valentine came to me January 10th, this year, when I was out snapping some images as the moon rose through the timber.

However, it wasn't until later, extremely early one morning, as I was going through my pictures and noticed that I had a Heart.  I needed to flip it over, but sure enough my hand had jiggled at the right moment to give me two distinct sides.

I want to wish all the lovers of outdoor pursuits,and those that are not so inclined as well, a Happy Valentines from Timber Life!

Here's hoping you will find a way to share what you find enjoyable with the ones you hold near and deer...:)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Local Habitat for Humanity ReStore

We are doing some housebuilding here at Timber Life, if you have been reading my posts a while you may have heard me speak of it.

The weather has turned off absolutely frigid the last couple of days and the nails are bending as we try to get the room walls put together. We don't have the ability to warm up our space.  We are dependent on the ambient temperature  for pliability of wood, as well as personal warmth...

With the inability to build yesterday, we decided it was time go find some fixtures to move forward when we warm up a little in the next week.

Our first stop for the day began at our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I wanted to get there early since the inventory changes from day to day. We arrived five minutes before the store doors opened for the scheduled Saturday: 9:00 - 6:00. Hubby and I were the third vehicle in the lot wanting to peruse the stock without having a lot of competition, but others had the same thought. The store was soon bustling with deal seekers.

We pulled into the parking lot about five minutes before the store opened
I want to applaud the location upgrade recently experienced by the ReStore. They had their beginning in a smaller building with a lack of parking; as they became better known they outgrew the space.

My visits to my Mom in Des Moines allowed me the chance to watch the reclamation of a building/business on Euclid Ave. and I-235, left vacant by one of the first lumber companies I became aware of on the eastside after calling the area home.

The Des Moines Home and Garden Show is in town this weekend too. A booth there is surely going to help  the public to become more aware of the alternative opportunities in recycling leftover, or unwanted building supplies. The inventory contains both new, and used.

My next post will give a little insight to what I saw...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Retroactive Look of February Weather at Timber Life

Going through my blogposts I came across one, three years and a few days ago. Definitely a big difference in the amount of snow that year compared to this one at Timber Life. We were finally beginning to see some open ground with the growing strength of the afternoon sun.

This year we haven't seen any great accumulation of  snow. Sometimes it has taken a few hours,a couple of days to a week to disappear, but our tractor which usually has been called to duty already to get that stuff out of the way hasn't been used for that cause. At least not yet...

                                                                 February 7th, 2012

Posted on February 5th, 2009

The deer have been populating open areas to feed. They are hungry and continue to search for food at all hours of the day now.

Timber floors still being covered with layers of snow, takes the deer out where the sun has opened ground in the thawing spells of last weekend.

These deer are only a sampling of what I saw and what has been seen.

Notice all the young ones...that number continues to grow because of the capability of 6 month old does to conceive and become mothers. I continue to see a very small deer,which I assume was born at the end of last summer, running with the herd.

Too much attention sent them off to look just over the fence for somewhere else to enjoy a nibble...

Returning to February 7th, 2012

Our deer population isn't as numerous as it was back in 2009 and before. Extreme winters,human hunting quotas and coyotes have been a factor in my opinion to a decline that seemed to become evident from my perspective last year. Maybe others see a different slant on the same picture.

The weather in the last week has brought some heavy fogs to blanket us. Yesterday, turned out to produce quite a show as the fog began to ascend at 11:30 in the morning. The sun didn't breakout of the clouds until much later in the day. However, before the temperatures warmed and sent the frost dashing earthward - I captured some visions of Mother Nature's crystalline designs to create works of my own for decorating my cabin in the woods...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Still Seeing Scrapes?

My pictures are getting dated already...A week and a half ago we had a layer of snow laying around , the warm temperatures weren't yet making much of a difference in the white stuff disappearing.

While out for a walk I discovered on  one side of the ravine dissecting the property  that the small trees seemed to carry new bark injuries with ground scrapes in close proximity . Signs of a late rut? Only a thought after seeing an antlered buck in the vicinity with does and their offspring frequenting the area.

Deer hoof printed frozen creek
The little creek running through the ravine still made a ribbon of solid ice for the deer to use as a path to get from place to place. Totally dependent on available moisture from land run-off there is varying levels from season to season.
On the opposite side of the ravine I found a different scenario, the bark was being shredded in what I believe to be the beginning of another stage in the life and times of the whitetail buck population in our area...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Afternoon Walk -Wednesday

Wednesday morning started with taking care of things for my Mom. Grocery shopping , catching up on important business communications, checking on the schedule for upcoming appointments etc....

Coming home to get the paperwork done it was time for a change of pace by mid-afternoon, I wanted to take advantage of the mild temperatures.Snow continued to carpet the ground as I set out to scope the landscape for deer sheds. Hearing about others beginning to be successful on their quest for collecting had sent the twitch through me to see if anything was laying around here yet...
Miss Kitty pussy footing through the snow

I alluded to my walking companions in my last post.

Bless her little heart this is the second outing Miss Kitty followed my usual walking buddy and me through the snow.

The last occasion she went with us, she would stop,  yowl,look around and keep on coming. She could have gone back to the house...silly thing just kept following. I can truly say I have been adopted.

Sadie was having a great time running everywhere to checkout the scents galore. She stopped sniffing for a minute when I called to get her to look at me. 

I'll have to admit she has become quite a ham when the camera gets pulled out. That is unless I make a motion for heading out the door first.

 Poor girl always gets messy paws, and wet all over in this type of weather with snow, or mud, but I know she doesn't mind.

Sadie always must lead the way and  Miss Kitty wanted to be in front of me at this point in our expedition. The challenge began!

These two always have a season of discontent before they finally get on with the task at hand.

I can't remember now how many seasons of discontent there were while we were out.

Sadie and Miss Kitty listen to Ruby bay

Attention! Attention,PLEASE!!!

Ruby, our neighbor's Tree Walking Coonhound was visiting on the southside of our property with her owner. They had come to check a  raccoon trap.

Little Ruby doesn't go anywhere without announcing her approach...while she is riding in the pickup anyway. Last summer we had some excitement when she took off and wouldn't answer our calls. Created a worry for a time.

Picking up where I left off before Ruby dropped in - I was still batting zero in my search for sheds this Wednesday afternoon, so I headed the pack back home over another trail in the chance I might pass an antler tucked in a conspicuous spot. By the time we got close to the house the cat was lagging far behind and we came straggling in just in time for the animals to eat their supper.

As it stands now I  am going to have to keep looking, because my score remained at zero for this shed hunting expedition...


Friday, January 27, 2012

The Great Salt Lick

I am sure with winter weather knocking at your door, wherever you might live that receives snow,  traveling on the  highways have added an extra coat of road additives to the side of your car or truck. Heading to the car wash gets a bit laborious to keep it clean.

Here at Timber Life we always have some assistance with giving our vehicles a bath without moving them from their parking spot.

It wasn't until three or four  years ago we actually had this kind of activity start, a mystery for a time.

The rock salt and brine used here in Iowa seems to have a twofold purpose; one for the road, and after the animals found it a dietary mineral source.

These pictures were taken last weekend...

Checking Saturday this side of the car was almost licked clean by our nocturnal visitors and they were starting on the other side.

Yes,you may have already guessed! The deer are the culprits.

Rain came and washed the car the rest of the way.
I guess I will have to go somewhere now the car has gotten cleaned off to renew the mineral content.

However, after today's snow possibilities and cold this weekend, the weather forecast is, let me rub my eyes here,  for up to 50 degrees on Monday and 40's the rest of the week . Spring for the first week of February?!?

With the unseasonable temperatures it has given me more of a chance to take advantage of walks in the timber and fields. Check back to see who goes along...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter has Arrived

The  bubble broke this week keeping us without the seasonal snow cover . Up until now the little amounts dropped in fast moving fronts have disappeared within hours or a day at most. Tuesday, brought 2-3 inches and on radar the storm today is expanding. As of the forecast this morning they are telling us 3", but a chance for more might be possible.,time will tell...Don't want wind above 5 mph the dreaded drifts would start whipping up and closing the driveway.

Picture taken at 7:54 AM

Not the first time for the air to be filled with snow at Timber Life this year...However, it is the first time for us to see an accumulation on the increase.

Ah! Recent weather update says the snow should end in Des Moines by the end of the morning . Wouldn't you know it the roads are reportedly slick in my neck of the woods. Hubby's commute home could be interesting  later today.
Latest Local update 9:08 AM

Wait a few minutes - it appears we are again going to luck out without a huge deluge of those big snowflakes continuing to drift earthwards.

I am already looking forward to the February thaw, or at least temps in the 20's without wind. "Could we be in for winter into late March???", I say with a sigh...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lake State Fishing - Minnesota Fishing Newsletter

Four years ago my Hubby and I took a trip out west to celebrate my 50th Birthday...I wrote a few blogposts about our excursion and my impression of some of the Sporting Goods stores we happened by along the way.

Some how I began getting email advertisements from  the second company listed under the Sponsor Partners. Later, I started getting email from Forum Communications up at Fargo, ND, they keep me informed of  consumer deals happening in their neighborhood. I don't mind at all  - I like visiting North Dakota once in a while...

My weekly updates from Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters out of two Minnesota locations ended;I began to get the Minnesota Fishing Newsletter instead. So, it turns out I can still touch base with Reeds and a whole bunch more.Looks like the Minnesota ice fishermen  are going to have some good conditions to get out to the ice fishing shack.

Here's hoping you find the Lake State Fishing information fun and helpful in the planning of your next ice fishing weekend.

Issue #78                                                                                                                   January/16/2012

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Minnesota Fishing Reports



Photo Thumbnail     

Howdy LakeStater's!   The Staff Team at Lake State Fishing would like to wish all of our LSF friends and family a belated Happy New Year. We've been busy running around the state of Minnesota chasing down the bite and just released our first episode of On the Ice with Lake State Fishing which you can find below. We hope you enjoy and have a safe season on the ice!

We encourage everyone to register for FREE at LSF to take advantage of free features like classifieds, chat rooms, prize giveaways, our talk forums, and much more. Click Here 

ON THE ICE WITH LAKE STATE FISHING - #1 The LSF crew targets big panfish while ice fishing in northern Minnesota. Come along with Mike Potter, Brad Hawthorne, and Bob Bohland for the fun. Click Here - Episode #1  on the ice #1 screen shot

FORUM SPOTLIGHT -  LAKE OF THE WOODS  One of the best features of Lake State Fishing is the free discussion forums. The forums are frequented daily by thousands of anglers who logon to find lake info, share fishing reports, research products, and to take advantage of our free classifieds.     We want to make everyone aware that our Lake of the Woods forum has everything you need to know before heading up to the big lake. We got you covered when it comes to ice conditions, ice road access info, where to stay, and of course how the bite is right now. Lake of the Woods Info - Click Here

                                                   REGIONAL FISHING REPORTS  

BEMIDJI AREA- Staffer's from LSF get on some big crappies... View More   

LAKE OF THE WOODS: The Wigwamfisherman gives an ice update from the sky!... View More   

WRIGHT COUNTY: A limit of walleyes can still be found close to the metro... View More 

LAKE WINNIPEG: Don't view this link if you don't want to see tons of trophy fish... View More 

Please remember to post all your fishing adventures in our discussion forums. Click Here - Your Area Report  

                                                            ADVERTISING INFO 
Did you know that advertising online is much more cheaper than print, tv, or radio? And that it's more effective and more easier to measure?

Lake State Fishing can help you connect your resort, product, or service with those who may not be reached through traditional advertising mediums. Get results that are consistent and measurable. We work with budgets big and small. Click Here - More Info   

In December 2011 there were 200,000 visits to  to with over 2 million pages viewed.

Disclaimer: This post was done purely to pass along information I received in my email box. I will not receive financial compensation for the promotion of any company or product. Thanks for your visit!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Iowa Ice Fishing

I received my Iowa Fishing Report for this week.

Ice had been an inconsistent commodity so far this winter. Last night and today should get some layers started ... it will take a while for solid ice since we are to see temps in the mid 30's Saturday, up to the upper 40's both Sunday and Monday.  Get beyond that it looks like more seasonal C-o-l-d will arrive.
 Some blowing snow in the air, -7 wind chill here at Timber Life

Maybe the anglers will  finally be able to get the ice augers and Ice Fishing Houses out to catch a few walleye, blue gill, crappie and a coveted  trout  in the stocked bodies of water.

Following are some local ice condition reports for different parts of Iowa.

For immediate release: January 12, 2012
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources issues a weekly fishing report on Thursdays in an effort to provide the latest information heading into the weekend. The weekly fishing report is compiled from information gathered from local bait shops, angler creel surveys, and county and state parks staff. For current information, contact the district fisheries office at the phone number listed at the end of each district report.
Crawford Creek Impoundment
Ice conditions remain poor at Crawford Creek.
Badger Lake
Ice is variable at Badger Lake with conditions ranging from open water to 5 inches of ice.
Brushy Creek Lake
Ice has formed over most of the lake, but it is still considered unsafe.
Bacon Creek Lake
The next trout stocking for Bacon Creek has been moved to Jan. 28 due to poor ice conditions.
Storm Lake (including Little Storm Lake)
About half of Storm Lake was open on Wednesday.  Wind action continues to affect ice conditions.  Anglers are allowed three walleye per day, all fish between 17 and 22 inches must be released. Anglers are allowed one walleye over 22 inches.
Swan Lake
One-third of lake has open water with poor ice conditions everywhere else.
Black Hawk Lake
Town Bay is mostly open with variable ice conditions across the rest of the lake.  Special walleye regulations on Black Hawk Lake are three per walleye per day and all fish must be at least 15 inches.  Aerators are in operation in Town Bay.
Moorland Pond
The Moorland Pond trout stocking has been postponed until March 24 due to poor ice conditions.
Ice conditions continue to be variable and unsafe at many lakes.  For more information, contact Ben Wallace or Don Herrig at the Black Hawk District Office in Lake View at 712-657-2638.
Beeds Lake
Ice thickness is 4 to 6 inches. There is some open water on the northwest side of the lake. Bluegill and a few crappies are biting on wax worms.
Lake Smith
Ice thickness is 4 to 6 inches.  
Clear Lake
Ice thickness is 6 to 8 inches. Yellow bass fishing is fair. Anglers are having success fishing the Farmers Beach area in 6 to 8 feet of water with a small jig tipped with a wax worm or spike. A few walleyes are being caught using the same method. You have to keep moving to catch fish.
Lake Cornelia
Ice thickness is 4 to 5 inches.
Little Wall Lake
Ice is not safe, a lot of open water.
Crystal Lake
Ice thickness is 4 to 6 inches.
Silver Lake (Worth)
Silver Lake will undergo a lake renovation project starting this winter. The fishing regulations have been relaxed. Anglers with a valid fishing license may take fish by any means except dynamite, poison, electroshocking, or any stupefying substances. The daily bag and minimum length restrictions are lifted.
For more fishing information in the north central area contact the Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.
Big Spirit Lake
Ice fishing is not recommended on Big Spirit Lake.  The recent warm weather and wind has opened an area of water from the footbridge down to marble beach, and all the way across to reeds run.  The rest of the lake has inconsistent ice conditions.
West Okoboji Lake
Ice fishing is not recommended on West Okoboji until ice conditions improve.
Virgin Lake
Fishing regulations are now relaxed at Virgin Lake.  Anglers can now harvest as many fish as they would like by any means except dynamite, poison, electroshocking devises, or any stupefying substances.  This promiscuous fishing is designated to allow anglers to salvage and utilize the imperiled fish population in Virgin Lake before they die off due to the drawdown.
Ice fishing is not recommended on area lakes.  Recent warm weather and wind has opened up large areas on most lakes.  Once the wind dies down, realize that if these areas are frozen over it is going to be very thin ice.  Be sure to check with local bait shops for current ice conditions before traveling to these lakes. For more information, call the Spirit Lake hatchery at 712-336-1840.
Volga Lake
Ice depths on Volga Lake are extremely variable.  It is not advisable to go on the ice.  Open water is reported around the boat ramp.  Bluegill - No Report:   Largemouth Bass - No Report:   Crappie - No Report:
Lake Hendricks
Lake Hendricks has about 7 inches of ice.  Use caution around the aerator.  Bluegill - Slow:   Largemouth Bass - Slow:   Crappie - Slow:
Lake Meyer
Ice depths are extremely variable ranging from 2 to 8 inches depending on where the sun hits.   Water in the lake is a bit cloudy.  Fish are more active the last hour before sundown.  Northern Pike - No Report:   Bluegill - Good: Stay along weed lines to find fish.  Anglers are catching all sizes.  Largemouth Bass - Slow: A few nice size bass continue to be caught.  Crappie - Slow: Crappies are suspended about six feet off bottom in deeper water and can be found around brush piles.
Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)
We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.  Smallmouth Bass - No Report:   Walleye - No Report:
Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)
We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.  Northern Pike - No Report:   Smallmouth Bass - No Report:   Walleye - No Report:
Turkey River (below Clermont)
We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.
Wapsi River (state line to Tripoli)
We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.
Cedar River (above Nashua)
Anglers are taking nice catches of fish below the Nashua dam.  Ice depths vary if there is any in the backwaters.  Use caution when going on ice especially ice over flowing water.  Northern Pike - Fair: Anglers are using a minnow and a jig below the dam at Nashua for best luck.  Smallmouth Bass - No Report:   Crappie - No Report:     Walleye - Good: Anglers report good catches of walleye below the Nashua dam using a jig and minnow.
Decorah District Streams
A generally mild winter has produced more northeast Iowa dry fly opportunities than normal.  Try small (#18-#24), sparse mayfly patterns for trout rising to early afternoon midge and baetis hatches.  Streamers, nymphs and wet flies have taken occasional fish as well.  Streams are low and very clear, so an angler's approach and presentation are important.  Keep a low profile.  
Ice depths vary depending on the lake.  Anglers are reminded to use extreme caution when going out on the ice especially with the recent mild weather.  Check ice depth frequently.  Due to variable ice conditions throughout the state, winter urban pond stocking dates have been changed; call the fisheries office for the district the pond is in to find out when they will be stocked. Contact Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324 for more local information.
Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
Concentrate efforts in the deeper overwintering pools for walleye.  Walleye - Good: Jigs tipped with or without a twistertail and minnow has been most productive.
Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
Concentrate efforts in the deeper overwintering pools for walleye.  Walleye - Good: Jigs tipped with or without a twistertail and minnow has been most productive.
Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
Concentrate efforts in the deeper overwintering pools for walleye.  Walleye - Fair: Jigs tipped with or without a twistertail and minnow would be most productive.
Maquoketa River (above Monticello)
Concentrate efforts in the deeper overwintering pools for walleye.  Walleye - Fair: Jigs tipped with or without a twistertail and minnow would be most productive.
The interior rivers recently iced over but may open up again by the weekend. Reports on the Cedar River for walleye last week were very good for numbers and size. Very little ice fishing has occurred in our region due to thin ice conditions; use extreme caution when heading onto thin ice. The trout stocking for North Prairie Lake has been postponed until Jan. 20. Call the Manchester District Office at 563-927-3276 for additional information.
Mississippi River Pool 9
A lot of anglers have been fishing Blackhawk Lake above Lansing on the Wisconsin side as well as Shore Slough and the Village Creek Boat Ramp with good success. Ice thickness is near six inches in the center but caution should be used near shorelines.  Bluegill - Good: Good catches of bluegill in Blackhawk Lake with a lot of sorting.
Mississippi River Pool 10
Anglers have been fishing Sturgeon Slough by McGregor and Greymore and Abrough by Prairie du Chien with good success.  Ice at Bussey Lake is six inches on the upper end but caution should be used along shorelines. The ice on Johnson Slough in the Sny Magill area is not safe to cross. The boat ramp at Lynxville is open but that may change if cold weather persists.  Bluegill - Good: Good catches of bluegill on Bussey with some sorting but anglers should be very cautious of weak ice.  Sauger - Good: Sauger fishing has been steady with a few limits caught.  Walleye - Fair: A few walleyes being picked up in the tail waters
Mississippi River Pool 11
Not a lot of ice fishing is occurring on Pool 11 due to lack of access to safe ice, but forecasts for colder weather may improve conditions to access Sunfish Lake and Mud Lake. Again caution should be used in areas near shore or that may have current.  Anglers have been catching fish in the marina at Mud Lake. Boat ramps in Guttenberg are open for tail water fishing.  Sauger - Good: Sauger fishing has been steady with a few limits caught.
Recent warm weather weakened ice near shorelines and with the snow there is a lot of slush ice near shorelines.  Most areas on the Upper Mississippi received 3 to 5 inches of snow and snow blown into river valleys may insulate ice in areas.  Forecasts for cold nights ahead should strengthen ice but caution should be used in areas near shore or areas that may have current.
Mississippi River Pool 12
Tail water fishing continues in Pool 12. Ice fishing is limited; review ice safety tips before venturing out.  Tail water stage is at 5.3 feet and stable.  Sauger - Good: Small sauger continue to bite sporadically.  Most anglers are using a three-way rig with a minnow or a jig and minnow. 
Mississippi River Pool 13
Tail water stage at Bellevue is stable at 5.1 feet. Ice fishing is limited; review ice safety tips before venturing out.   Ice fishing conditions are marginal at best.  Sauger - Good: Angers are catching small sauger in the tail waters using a three way rig with a minnow or a jig and minnow.   A few nicer sized fish are being caught.
Mississippi River Pool 14
Tail water is completely open.  Tail water stage is 5.3 feet at Fulton, Ill.  Sauger - Good: Some nicer sauger reported in the creel.   Most anglers using a three-way with a minnow, or a jig and a minnow.  Some folks also using ring worms with no bait.
Mississippi River Pool 15
We have received no information regarding fishing on this water body this week.
Open water conditions persist in the tail waters of Pools 12 through 15.  Limited backwater fishing has been occurring; use caution as ice thickness is marginal in many places.   Ice fishing will be very dangerous with the addition of snow insulating the thin ice. 
Mississippi River Pool 16
Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 15 is 5.30 feet. Ice conditions are not safe for ice fishing. Be aware with recent cold temperatures boat access may become limited.  Sauger - Good: Anglers have been catching some saugers in Pool 16. Try fishing in the tail waters on the Iowa side above the casino. Most fish are being caught on jigs and minnows or on jigs and soft plastics.
Mississippi River Pool 17
Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 16 is 4.08 feet. Ice conditions are not safe for ice fishing. Be aware with recent cold temperatures boat access may become limited.   Sauger - Fair: Some saugers are being caught in the tail waters on jigs and minnows.
Mississippi River Pool 18
Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 17 is 4.26 feet. Ice conditions are not safe for ice fishing. Be aware with recent cold temperatures boat access may become limited.  Sauger - Good: Anglers have been catching saugers in the tail waters. Most fish are being caught on jigs and minnows or on jigs and soft plastics.
Mississippi River Pool 19
Tail water stage at Lock and Dam 18 is 2.16 feet. Ice conditions are not safe for ice fishing. Be aware with recent cold temperatures boat access may become limited.  Sauger - Fair: Tail water fishing for saugers has been hit or miss. Most fish are being caught on jigs and minnows or on jigs and soft plastics.
Mississippi River Pools 16-19: Anglers have been catching saugers and walleyes in the tail waters this past week. Access to the tail waters may become limited with the recent cold temperatures as some ramps may begin to freeze in. Ice conditions are not safe for ice fishing. Remember to clean, drain, and dry your boat before going to another water body. For more fishing information on Pools 16-19 contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.
Lake Belva Deer
Unsafe ice conditions.
Pollmiller Park Lake
Unsafe ice conditions
Lake of the Hills
Unsafe ice conditions.  While the ice is thick enough to hold up geese, it isn't for people.
Lake Darling District Farm Ponds
Most area ponds have less than one-half inch of ice. Wednesday we had a high temp in the mid 50s. Thursday (today) is the first day weather conditions have been favorable for forming ice in a long t time.
For more information on the above lakes call the Lake Darling fisheries office at 319-694-2430.
Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)
Outflow from Coralville Reservoir is 600 cubic feet per second as of Jan. 12. Flows will drop to about 580 CFS and hold steady.  Walleye - Slow: Walleyes are being caught below the dams on jig/minnows and ringworms. Many smaller fish are being caught but nicer fish are also being picked up.
Most bodies of water are crusted over, but the ice is unsafe. There has been very little fishing activity in the region. For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.
Red Haw Lake
The lake does not have enough ice to support anglers.
Hawthorn Lake (aka Barnes City Lake)
The lake renovation work is complete.  New fish habitat areas have been built along with some new jetties.  The lake is full.  Fingerlings were stocked in May 2011.
Lake Sugema
Lake Sugema contains the invasive plant brittle naiad so make sure to inspect and clean your boat and trailer.  There is not yet enough ice to support ice anglers.  Most of the lake has open water.
Rathbun Reservoir
The lake level is 904.18 feet with 904.0 feet being normal pool.  Water temperature has been in the lower 30s.  Some of the coves and bays have ice but not enough to support ice fishing.  The main lake still has open water.  Don't forget Lake Rathbun contains zebra mussels so make sure to clean, drain, and dry boats and other equipment before transporting to another water body.
For further fishing reports in south central Iowa call the Rathbun fish hatchery at 641-647-2406
Lake Petoka
The winter trout stocking will occur unannounced prior to Feb. 1.  The stocking will be unannounced to avoid a large crowd gathered in a small area on unsafe ice.
Ada Hayden Heritage Park Lake
The winter trout stocking will occur unannounced prior to Feb. 1.  The stocking will be unannounced to avoid a large crowd gathered in a small area on unsafe ice.
Cold temps may finally allow ice anglers to get their gear out this weekend.  Most ponds and some lakes may have enough ice to allow ice fishing.  Anglers are urged to be very cautious and check ice thickness frequently.  Larger, deeper lakes may still have ice too thin.  The winter trout stockings in Lake Petoka and Ada Hayden will occur unannounced prior to Feb. 1.  For more information on central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Ben Dodd or Andy Otting at 515-432-2823.
Lake Anita
There have been no reports of ice fishing at this time.
Big Lake (Including Gilbert's Pond)
The trout stocking at West Big Lake is being delayed until March to avoid stocking during unsafe ice conditions.
Ice is beginning to form with cold temperatures. Ice conditions will vary by lake due to factors such as location in the district, wind, and waterfowl. Call ahead for before you travel. For more information call the southwest district office at 712-769-2587.
Little River Watershed Lake
The lake has been lowered 15 feet to allow shoreline improvements and fish habitat construction.  Construction is underway and expected to be complete by mid-spring.  The fish will be restocked in the spring.
Sands Timber Lake (Blockton Reservoir)
The lake has been drained to allow in-lake water quality improvements to be constructed.  Completion is expected by mid-spring.
Green Valley Lake
The lake level is down eight feet.  The in-lake sediment removal project is complete.  The water level will be allowed to rise and runoff permits.  The fish were restocking in 2009 and have grown very well.  Bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass, and channel catfish are all very good sized.  Anglers should be able to catch good numbers of quality fish this winter and spring.
Summitt Lake
The lake has been drained to allow the reconstruction of the concrete spillway.  Completion is expected in late spring.
The ice is very thin in most places.  Most water bodies have some open water and some areas with ice.  Do not walk on the ice.  A boat could be used to access traditional ice fishing areas.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Geese Geese

Geese Geese and more Geese!

The weather has remained extremely mild for January here in Iowa. Open waters or partially open waters have kept geese situated in urban locations around our capitol city of Des Moines.

I found geese sitting on a  sand pit in Johnston, a suburb of Des Moines along I-80/I-35 on January 5th, but didn't stop to get a picture. My path was leading me over to Fisher Lake where the Bald Eagles had a reported presence since December 21st.

November 28, 2010

The following picture is being pulled out of my archives...Hubby and I were headed north on I-35 following a family Thanksgiving.

We were driving our pickup that had slightly tinted windows and the light of the late afternoon left the digital exposure dark.My intent on getting the picture was to catch the moment as the geese were flying s from west to east over the interstate headed in the direction of the airport. Going in for a landing perhaps?!?
Getting more pictures in Ankeny, a growing city north of Des Moines, on I-35 back on December 29th, 2011 kept me in awe. The birds like to congregate in the vicinity of the airport due to some water features created by corporations and a hotel.

Parked at the gas island of a Casey's convenience store I started snapping pictures ...

The car filled with gas I was on my way.

The geese are definitely focused on the way they want to head. Waves and waves of them passed by with the same thing in mind.

No stopping to chat, for the target lake was almost under foot as they reached this point.

Just a few more wing flaps for these tired natural aviators.
Then I moved over to the lake by the  Comfort Inn hotel where they were coming to rest.

I didn't want to look straight up as the geese passed over in the event something would come following the  gravitational pull of our atmosphere.

Luck was with bombs came to rest in my vector.
Ice shelves gave some of the geese enough support to stand on one leg for a nap.

My visit was short so I don't know how long these guys and gals actually were able to tuck there beaks under a wing.

As I stood taking pictures another car pulled up behind me. A young woman headed closer to the group.

I stayed back to keep stress for the geese to a minimum.

Yesterday, on a trip into town I stopped at Bondurant, a little town I pass on this route to my destination. They have a little sports complex/park situated by  highway 330.

This  group was but a small sample of all the geese that were scratching the ground or sitting at waters edge preparing for whatever direction the winds were about to take them.

Each year it seems as though we host these winged water fowl longer and longer. Some have decided our marshes and farm ponds are great places to raise a family...oh to see how many will return to set up their own households.

Our weather has taken a turn towards winter over the last 24 hours , snow was a dusting, and flurries persist  here at Timber Life. The blustery winds are finally sending its chill and I imagine the waters will begin closing up for a few months- our winged visitors will have to finally get on their way further south...