Monday, April 2, 2007

Wild Honey Bees Waking Up

How are things going for you this fine first week of April? Today it appears the weather will be wonderful. The change is coming later today, back down to the more typical temperatures for this time of year, maybe a little cooler than normal. Last week I didn't stop in for a chat because the outdoors was calling...Working on getting fallen wood from our ice storms of February moved out of the way for the farmer who rents our ground. The hay baler may not function properly with limbs in its path. The yard looks better without the extra twigs etc. Amazingly after picking up underneath two trees I filled a quarter of the bed of a long box ,full sized, Ford pickup. It has been fun to see the animals enjoying the changes of the season. The wild honeybees are out looking around for some nourishment. They come to investigate when I am out working around the house. They live in a tree, in a hollow part, not far away. Seven years ago this May we experienced an awesome sight. Apparently the hive was getting to big to support itself. We watched the bees gather on the side of the birdbath. Later the Queen led the way of a large contingent away into the timber. After watching that event I looked for the new home that I expected them to make. What I found was lost bees, they were lifeless only a few days later, clinging to plants or foliage within line of sight. Since the mass movement seven years ago we haven't witnessed anything of that magnitude. In the summer we do treat the bees with respect. When it is hot and dry they do become more agitated in the heat of the day so we mow around their tree in the cool of the day - either in the morning, or late afternoon. We are looking for the Hummingbirds and Orioles to return very soon. A whole list of other birds have come back to be apart of the woodland and open ground population. Last week there were some wood ducks making their presence known. What a joy to see the "New Beginnings" for another year...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Top of the Morning to you!

Did you get out to celebrate the" Luck of the Irish" on Saturday? I went to the little grocery store in my local little town...bought some corned beef, cabbage and carrots. The original plan for the day was to go to my daughter's house to help do some yard work. When I got out of bed before sunrise on Saturday we were getting some white stuff; canceled the plans. By the afternoon the snow had disappeared. My husband went to take a lesson in a different plane. He is getting a wide range of experience in his quest to get his Sport Pilot's Certificate. The present plane,an Ercoupe, continues to have more mechanical problems so his hopes of another lesson will be put off until the mechanic gets the bugs out. I have voiced my opinion. It seems that every plane he has tried to get his certificate in has problems . Is he supposed to get it??? Ah, we all know the answer to that one. For SURE! ; ) We are looking for some warmer conditions this week. Although, with warmer temperatures it looks like we are in for moisture. Just what I am not looking forward to...with the melting snow of last week the ground around here is more than wet. Trying to keep the mud outside of the house is a challenge since we are sans cement. You heard me, no concrete drive-way or sidewalks. It is fine when the weather is dry . Didn't want to have to break up concrete when and if I get to build a house . Still dark outside at 6:20 A.M.. Saw the "Big Dipper" as I peered out the door to check on the sound of a vehicle in the area. Sunrise comes at 7:19 today, I think I saw. Planted some seeds in my window nursery last Wednesday and Thursday. Had some cosmos flowers germinate in just a couple of days. Looking forward to getting some more seeds and maybe some plants for the garden this year. The weather is giving me the itch to plant some lettuce, radishes, spinach etc...How about you? Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!

Monday, March 12, 2007


Good Morning All! I am so excited about this you can guess why. Time to get some work done outside. The yard needs to be picked up after the storm damage of the last couple of weeks. The snow is melting . The migratory birds are making their way over our airspace, going north. What a sight to see! Recently, I have started receiving e-mails from a guy named P.K. Jacobsen he has an information site associated with Deer Hunting. Some of you may have heard of him; I know I have before now....Read his sales letter. Trying to get me ready for next season. His suggestions sound great. I appreciate what he is trying to do. You can read and read, which I have done, but actually putting to use what we have read enhances our experiences. As I sit here writing the deer are beginning to come home to the timber to go to eat and go to bed. This group I see were born last summer and will be parents next year. What a number I expect will be produced! Sorry, I interrupted the train of thought. Just wanted to comment on current activity. The snow covering of the last two weeks brought about a lot more extended stays in the yard around the house by both turkey and deer. Almost greater than your imagination. OK, back to business. ; ) However, there may some extenuating circumstances that directly determine success of a hunter. In my case it has come to my attention may be the type of shot I have chosen to use. Another possibility is the the gun itself. The next seasons will be better for me. My Christmas present, a Remington 870 Youth Express, will improve reliability of shot aimed in the direction of my target. This summer will be a learning time to see how well I can get to know the firearm before actually putting it to use. Spring Turkey season isn't far away here in Iowa. Just might get my landowners license and give the "new gun" a workout. Saw some rooster pheasants scampering across the fields. Hope their nesting spots will be safe from the over flow of melting snow. All of us who want a chance to bag our limit this fall wish them good conditions this spring for a good breeding season. Time to start getting activities of daily living underway here for today. Later folks ....have a super week!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Home Again

Thank you Lord! We returned home to our farmstead after a week away. My husband and I did have a nice stay with our daughter, her husband, and our grandchildren. Plus their little papillion doggie "wiggles". Thanks for the hospitality . ; ) We kept in contact with our neighbors across the road from us to see when we would be able to get back into the neighborhood. The water returned the same evening we left last week, but the electricity didn't come back on until Thursday , March 1st, late in the afternoon. As was forecast for Iowa we did get a replay of the bad weather starting earlier in the day on Thursday. It seemed to me though that the weather was worse for stranding motorists this time around. We weren't able to come home until Sunday after the majority of the storm finished Friday night. The wind was a big cause in our part of Iowa , it made the snow take on a more ominous character. When we heard that the snowplow came through to get the huge drifts reduced for vehicle traffic on our road we packed up our satchels and headed home. Once we got here we used the neighbors drive to park our car until we were able to walk our 1/2 mile drive to get the tractor. My husband had to move snow to allow us access in and out. Won't be long now. The days are getting longer and all of us will be headed outside again to enjoy our surroundings. Until next week then...Have fun!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Been awhile...

How have you been fairing these February days? Here in Iowa we have finally gotten what you call a "storm". Parts of the state have gotten a little snow, others have gotten freezing rain /snow, still others have received lots and lots of snow. Many people are without electricity and water. My husband and I fall into that category. Saturday noon , February 24th we were sitting down to lunch and the electricity blinked a couple of times and went totally out. In an effort to keep our water from freezing we kept the taps open a little bit through the night, again around noon on Sunday we lost another important means of existence, water. We had our propane left to cook with and to heat the area around the stove for a short time. The cold was becoming more prominent and starting to make leaving home a little easier. As we sat eating lunch Sunday, our breathe became visible when we exhaled. The telephone service was being taxed as well. Either by everybody trying to find alternate living arrangements or contacting loved ones in the affected areas. Our neighbor's tried to contact us via phone to invite us to share their basement with them, which they were able to keep at a balmy 50 degrees with the help of a kerosene heater. They also had wanted to have us share some stew made over a wood fueled open grill...What a kind gesture. However, we had already prepared our own, and had only become aware of their idea when my husband took our tractor down the drive to check on our exodus from the home front. We have taken up temporary quarters with our daughter and her family 32 miles from home. My husband plans on an excursion home after he leaves work this evening to make sure all is well in our absence. Iowa is on the list of states that are expecting more winter weather by mid-week. Guess we should get ready for the new round of "patience trying" extremes. Last week we saw temperatures in the upper 30's, 40's and I believe even into the 50's. Why couldn't it have lasted until Spring finally made it's appearance ? ; ) Time to wish everyone well...Hope you are safe and warm- with family, friends or in a hotel to escape the elements. Later!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sad News

The past week began a new chapter in the lives of my husband and his brother. They were notified by a neighbor that their mother hadn't been seen by anyone, or wasn't answering her phone for the period of two days. It was discovered that she had gone on to meet Jesus, her elder brother, and can now stand with the saints in the presence of God. Lucy will be missed by all her family and friends.

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's a Remington

My husband and I did exchange gifts last Wednesday night , January 10th. The speculation that I was getting a shotgun had been laid to rest. It is a fact that he took counsel with our neighbor and returned to the local gun shop. The shotgun is a Remington, Model 870 Youth Express, Pump Action,21" barrel,20 gauge, Rem Choke. Otherwise known as a "Lady's Gun" as well... Because of my short stature other full sized shotguns are a bit hard for me to handle. Having control when it comes to aiming at a moving animal is a high priority. I am looking forward to the opening of the hunting seasons next fall...After a summer of practice with my gift I should be able to provide food for our table, harvested from our land. Thanks Honey !

Snow or Ice ?

What was the weather at your house? Snow or the ice that has caused a lot of damage through the south and Midwest ? Here in Iowa we had some freezing rain but not any huge accumulations like our neighbors around us have had to contend with. Then the snow arrived. The meteorologist had given a time frame for expected arrival - they were only an hour off. Maybe, because they were forecasting for the metro area not 35 miles into the boonies. We do have some beautiful white ground cover. Last night, at the "deer hour", they came to feed. The snow blowing, they chose to stay in the timber rather than to venture out to the bean field. I had to chase a year old buck away from chewing on the yew shrub out in front of the house. Before the snow began to pile up I chased a deer away from my flowerbed. Where a sweet william plant had greened up from our unseasonably warm temperatures. It had been sniffing the air , smelling the essence of nitrogen . I opened the back door and told it to find other things to eat. The skies have cleared, now the wind has picked up. We have some small drifts in the driveway within view of the window by my desk. Time to wrap this entry up ...Everybody stay warm!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Checkin' Back In

Did you have a good holiday ? We had a nice visit to North Dakota at the New Year. Got to experience some winter weather the day after our arrival . We woke up to falling snow on Saturday December 30th. It was accumulating on everything before our outing to Fargo . As we traveled to Fargo the weather had several changes. There was the mix between snow/rain, sleet/ice, freezing rain then to all liquid by the time we got to our destination at the "Fargo Air Museum". Spending not more than three hours in Fargo was a good idea! Our return to Valley City was really interesting as we retraced our tracks westward the weather had become more intense in our absence. Visibility declined even more just a mile west of Valley City where our family continued on their trek to reach home to the delight of their three doggie kids; Kahlua, Peaches and Peaches' son Champ. The Pheasant season has not concluded here in Iowa yet. By Wednesday the 10th it will be time to allow the population to have a chance to re-coup. I don't know of anyone who took any roosters from the adjacent area, not to say there wasn't success. Had to laugh this morning as I viewed the bean field outside my house. The rooster pheasant that comes at 8:20 to feed daily, more or less was running from his entrance point to the cover of longer foliage in the pasture on the other side. He was trying to avoid the attention he had received from the gun the last three days. Yes , It's true! He still lives to run the neighborhood... Haven't opened my Christmas present from my husband yet but I do know that it is a shotgun...Others have openly asked me how I like my "new shotgun"? I just smile and tell them " don't know I haven't opened it yet ; )" It isn't as if I won't get to use it this year...just not for another 9 1/2 months.