Monday, June 9, 2008

Vistor from the East

We have been having some pretty intense storms the last three or so days. Enough wind, lightening, and thunder, to make your hair curl. Setting the stage I must add that on one of our walks Sadie and I came pretty close to some lightening with the clap of thunder right over our heads. We scurried for cover so as not to tempt fate with a second strike of lightening. How often do you see unusual sights when you are out walking in the Timber or your own yard for that matter? Here is what we saw on one of our trips around the yard Anyone venture a guess to what it might be? He is related to the local bird to the right.

If you guessed Peafowl you were correct. Pat yourself on the back. We are guessing it is a Peacock with trailing feathers trimmed. A tended group lives about 2 1/2 miles due east of us. He got away from his enclosure in the storms that have been causing some high anxiety for birds, beasts and beings ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Spring's Alive!

Spring is coming alive here at Timber Life.
The Weigelia shrub is in heavy bloom and becoming an attraction for the hummingbird population. Hubby got me a Gift Card to a local Garden Store eight years ago for "Mother's Day" ; this was what I chose. It comes back year after year, blooms heavily in the spring ,with a second bloom in the late summer. This one has beautiful red flowers... Yesterday, as Sadie and I were taking one of our morning walks the first fawn of the season was sighted in the middle of the pasture to the right. The doe sipping at the puddle has been hanging around the yard. I can only speculate it is the same one that was watching me mow last year when I found a young fawn - posted on June 11,2007, in "Bambi Alert!" The turkey was having a fantastic time playing in the mud. Jumping in and out like a little kid, scratching to see what it could find. Seeing and hearing at least one close by daily has been a change. The population expanding they may become more and more visible. It has been 16 years since we moved here on June 12th. With each passing year it seems as though we are be assimilated into the wilderness surroundings - the wild life coming closer, to call it their home as well...