Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Decorah, IA Eaglet D12 Electrocuted

 Sad news, of the loss of Eaglet D12 from the Decorah, IA, Eaglecam hatched on March 27th, he was found dead on July 3rd, not far from the home nest. The evidence at the area indicates he was electrocuted by wires close to the nest. The power company is working to  modify pole tops to keep the other raptors safer.

Officials say that siblings D13 and D14 are showing signs of knowing their brother is no longer with them.

The Eaglecam was turned off for the summer on Saturday, June 30th, to give the project time to put up new equipment for 2013 and get it tested. More excitement to come when the parents return to start a new family.

Other cams are being monitored now. Why not give a vulture cam a try? The fledglings should be ready to take flight by August....

4th of July Tribute

I would like to extend a Happy 4th of July to my American readers. Let us remember the reason why we celebrate...

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Mystery to Solve...

As of late my homestead has been having another elusive visitor in the late night, and early morning hours.

I have associated some of the activities with a raccoon constantly rummaging through the yard, but things have become a little more destructive. My potted plants are getting tipped over,the soil-less mix has been  totally dug-out from around the roots of a large pot of  Elephant Ear bulbs, newly planted strawberry leaves chewed, freshly set flowers in the garden uprooted.

Mental Exasperation has begun!

My cat, Miss Kitty, has a snack shack on the deck, a recycled dog kennel, where she goes to eat her food to protect her from the elements. If I don't remove the food at night I can be assured to have a raccoon(s), possibly an opossum, and others come to feast. My thoughts run to Coyote...even Bobcat.

This past Monday in the wee hours of the morning, around 2:00, Sadie started barking at the front door. I got up to check to see what had gotten her attention. Looking out the window of the door, the deck was absent the snack shack, from the closed door I wasn't able to see where the kennel had gone.

I opened the door to get a better idea what was happening,Sadie didn't hesitate to dash out to check her territory. The snack shack had somehow made it's way to the bottom of the 4th step of the deck, turned askew on it's side. I can only assume whatever came to visit got stuck inside the kennel, because it would have taken force to move it across the deck, down the steps, and turned, from where it was originally sitting.

Following  a scent, Sadie started on the run in an attempt to locate the interloper. It wasn't more than 30 seconds when I heard a clang - the propane tank had become a momentary barrier to the escaping animal. I had a mental chuckle as my mind was imagining a dazed creature trying to make sense of the surroundings to find an escape route.

The animal that made the early morning wake up call remains a mystery, but I do know now for sure one mischievous creature that reincarnates it's behavior from one generation to another.

Thursday, another clue was provided on our temporary ramp to our new house construction.

Scat that could belong to either a raccoon, or groundhog, was left as evidence of an early morning visit. Both animals share common characteristics at this time of year here at the Timber since they both harvest the berries.

Working in the house on Friday morning before lunch, I passed the sliding glass door, and out of the corner of my eye I saw this creature standing on it's back legs not far from our Miss Kitty by the tree trunk.

I'm wondering if this groundhog  is related to the one that kept us entertained back in September of 2007 ?

When it became aware of my would drop to all four feet and jump sideways. Then it became inquisitive again, checking to see if by chance I had been scared away by the aggressive maneuvers ,standing up it kept repeating it's actions until I moved on.

Last night we heard some bumps and bangs going on just outside our front door. We, Hubby, Sadie and I, headed to see what the ruckus was all about. A  family of masked bandits stopped  to take advantage of Miss Kitty's snack shack .

These three babies got separated from the others and waited  until a little less attention was being showered on them before making the great escape.

Another sample of what keeps us smiling in our daily lives here at Timber Life....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Black Bear in Bremer County Iowa

Picture owned by Jade Bergmann
The Black Bear first sighted up by Ridgeway continues to make it's way around the Northeast part of Iowa.

June 11th, 2012, brought more citizen reports from the Bremer County town of Frederika, of a Black Bear wandering the area.

The latest photographer documenting the bear's location is Jade Bergmann.

Below are maps roughly showing where the Black Bear has made itself known.

From: Ridgeway, IA To: Fredericksburg, IA
Ridgeway to Fredericksburg - May 15th - 21st
From: Fredericksburg, IA To: Frederika, IA
Fredericksburg to Frederika - May 21st - June 11th

It is speculation as to the next destination of the young bear, but officials feel it is moving in large circles heading east and will return to it's home range.

I have a feeling the Saga of the Black Bear will continue for a while this year...More updates likely later.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Off to the Timber the Berries are Ready

The Wild Raspberries  and Gooseberries are ready. This week I am working to gather what I can before the weather heats up again later today, thru the weekend.

Our lack of rain and the heat could take away the ability of the small unripe berries to mature...

Faithful Accomplice
Sadie and I were out early this morning, minding our own picking, when we heard an unfamiliar animal sound emanating just to the east of our patch. My first reaction was, "Oh, that's nice." Apparently, I wasn't hearing things, because Sadie, sat at attention listening attentively.

A repeat of the first agitated whatever it was brought  a couple of barks out of Sadie to let the animal(s) know, it had company of a different species  in the vicinity.

That must have done the trick  - no other vocalizations or activities were heard, and a slight disappointment arose when I didn't get to see what it was that had garnered those few fleeting seconds of the unknown...

It's time to be off to the timber!

See you later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Trip to the Berry Patch Farm

The last few years I kept making idle threats that I would go to the local "pick-your-own" strawberry patch about 16 miles from home to get some sweet June berries. However, other things always seemed to get in the way. Well, this year I wasn't going to be satisfied with my excuses of one reason, or another.

Earlier this Spring,just as the berries were blooming, central Iowa experienced a hard freeze. The farm owners used a method frequently used in Florida when frosts drop in to steal away the orange blooms. They implemented a water spray to create a layer of ice that would insulate the plants, and create heat when it melted off after sunrise.

Picking at the farm started the last week of May, unseasonably warm temperatures have matured the crop, and according to Judy the strawberries may be done for them by this coming Saturday, June 5th.

Rain dotted the radar in the vicinity of the farm as I gauged what my schedule would become. Arriving at the farm you could tell there had been a shower,but nothing excessive to detour the seekers of seasonal delights.

The Berry Patch Farm, owned by Dean, and Judy Henry, has been around since the early 1970's.

Dean, a retired horticulture teacher, found his next endeavor to explore,experiment / implement new food cropping methods to increase production. The Henrys may not be totally organic producers... However, they do use practices that reduce the need for excessive spraying of pesticides and herbicides.

They allowed parking out by the field to be harvested. There is a young lady,an employee, up by the open tailgate of the white pick-up motioning for drivers to come park right across from them. She had moved there after I came to indicate to others where the starting place would be for the new arrivals.

I had just gone back to the car ready to go back to checkout when I got these pictures.

The field was becoming busier around 11:30 when the threat of rain had diminished to nothing. A pleasant day to be picking...

The Country Store has a porch where you can stop and sit a spell. You can even find a few extra plants they have for sale lining the walkways ..
A collector's piece used in a by-gone era. Certainly a conversation starter for an older farmer from back in the day...
Judy the co-owner,behind the counter in the yellow blouse, was getting ready to count out some strawberry plants I purchased for my own garden.

After ordering strawberry plants a couple of years in a row from a catalog, and having them arrive too early, not being able to keep them alive until the weather cooperated -  led me to another solution. Buying the starts locally became my logical alternative; ready when the weather was just right for the planting.

Strawberries weren't the only plants available; I found some blueberry plants too. Two of the three blueberry bushes had bloomed and carry some little blueberries. Now, if I can only get them to maintain through the heat that is forecast for this weekend. Time will tell. 

Hubby tasted a strawberry as I processed them and commented "now that's a strawberry."

Other crops that the Henrys grow -Apples, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Blackberries,Blueberries, Currants, Gooseberries,Pumpkins, Raspberries, Rhubarb and Strawberries. They definitely offer an abundance of fruits and other foods that most of us don't have the room, or time to grow.

I had the honor of sharing conjoining market space at a local Farmer's Market with Judy, and Mike, the Henry's son, when I attempted a start at growing vegetables for others back in 2001. I still start plants, and grow vegetables; other things have influenced the time I spend pursuing those interests.

Thanks to the Strawberry Patch Farm for the extra effort this Spring  to provide the opportunity to get some very good Strawberries!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Tribute

 Memorial Day, a day to remember our fallen soldiers, and give support to those now in the trenches....

I want to send my thanks to the families who have sent their loved ones to  many battle fronts in the name of our United States of America. Whose lives have been forever changed...

Some have not, or will not return,others must deal with the aftermath of their experiences at home, and abroad.

This year I want to pay tribute to a fallen troop from our family. He was my 2nd cousin on my Mother's side of the family, he served in the Vietnam War as a medevac helicopter pilot.

is honored on Panel 6W, Row 72 of
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Full Name:

Date of Birth: 3/7/1949
Date of Casualty: 11/19/1970
Home of Record: CASTANA
County of Record: MONONA COUNTY
State: IA
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: WO
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: BINH DINH

Please click here to read the story told by another pilot of the mission that snatched away two American troops that day, November 19th,1970, one being my cousin,and the other his crew-mate.

I wanted to share his story, because he was always one of the fun loving, older influences at family gatherings. He kept us younger ones entertained.

Stanley's life was short at age 21, normally about the time you think of heading off on your own to start a career, and a family. This time he was one that had started, and ended his career in the era of the Draft; completing his mission to the best of his ability.

The video is of the Vietnam Conflict - men,helicopters,M- 113 armored personnel carriers all playing their parts in an effort to gain a more peaceful existence.

In closing I would like to wish all of you a safe Memorial Day holiday, and if you know a soldier, or see one walking down the street, I encourage you to tell her/him, Thank you for your service!.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Swallowtail Butterfly

Yesterday, on my trip back to the house from the trail camera, I had an opportunity to catch the flutter of a Swallowtail Butterfly.

I was almost side-swiped by this little beauty which triggered the "OH!" moment.  The wind was blowing it to and fro, sending it bouncing it from clover to clover before it disappeared...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Whitetail Fawn in the Timber

Today, I caught the sight of a new whitetail addition to Timber Life. My trail camera timer said it was 1:44pm this afternoon they passed within picture taking range.

I have been monitoring a location not far from the house and finally it has confirmed my suspicions. An indication that the "birthing room" aka timber was getting attention was the constant sighting of does still close to the house. Usually they disappear, but the spring range in the last 3 or more years has kept them very close...The fawns haven't been dropped in the yard yet - I do hope someday to witness that event.

Historically at Timber Life the fawns are brought out to chew on my Burning Bush about the 3rd of June.

The other reason I have been keeping the trail camera in its present location;I have wanted to see how often the coyotes frequent this area.

Sadie, our Springer Spaniel was defending her territory at 5:30 AM a month before this picture... A coyote was using a ravine in the middle of a pasture we were taking a walk in as a corridor - a frequent event in the night, and early morning hours.

It makes me wonder if it possibly was looking for a meal with the Does now actively giving birth?

                        Proud momma taking her baby for a walk to get it used to the surroundings.

                The fawn appears to be having some anxiety after its mother disappeared from view.

                                                                         Time to GO!

I am anxious to see more of the new whitetail babies, it is fun to watch them dart around the yard in their version of playing tag. Reminds me of human children when they learn how to manage to stand and use there new found skills...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Slithery Things!

                                                                    Iowa  Prairie Kingsnake

Our Spring has brought slithery things of various sizes out...This is the largest one I have seen so far, the little ones have been in the 6" - 8" range and a different species in our tall grass around the homestead.

Caught this particular creature laying long ways across the county road in the westbound lane as I headed into a little town of 239 souls....more or less. It decided that maybe the coil would be safer when a few vehicles started encroaching on it's solitude. I was the first to so rudely  interrupt the glorious fore-noon sunbath.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Partial Eclipse of the Sun

Last night Hubby and I pulled out our lawn chairs to become witnesses to the partial eclipse visible to us here in central Iowa. The moon moved over 2/3 of the sun starting at 7:23pm and we stopped watching at 8:17pm, when the sun went out of clear viewing below the horizon.

We had forgotten to look for the UV filter to go on the camera earlier, so Hubby figured out an alternative solution. He wears glasses and uses non-prescription clip-ons. Well, in a pinch they made for a good camera filter.
The suggested method for safely viewing the eclipse - poking a hole in a piece of cardboard, and focusing on another, was the first used since the sun was still too bright to look at directly.
Miss Kitty made herself right at home when we brought out the lawn chairs taking over my place. Sadie sat for a little while until her nose took over and scents were there to be explored.

Good News! We get to do this again in two years...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Northeast Iowa Bear Sighting 2012

This past week, Tuesday, May 15th, Northeast Iowa, specifically Ridgeway ,11 miles east of Decorah, found themselves hosts to another uncommon sight.

You ask what sight that might be??? Well,it happens to be another Black Bear sighting.
Picture owned by: Terry Hovden       Black Bear leaving  Ridgeway, IA
In the last three years Iowa seems to be witnessing an increase in transient Black Bear visits. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources have stated that verified statistics list 30 Black Bear visits since the 1960's,or should we be increasing that number?

Another bear was seen wandering north of West Union early Friday morning, it was believed to be the same bear first seen at Rideway earlier in the week.

Later Friday, after the Fayette County Sheriff's department searched the area, they located the bear not far from the North Fayette County High School. The officials locked down the school until the Law Enforcement people escorted the bear to a wooded area northwest of town.

The warning remains to Northeast Iowa citizens by the Iowa DNR - if you should see a bear leave them alone and they will usually exit the area without incident...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Alcoa Eagle Cam - Davenport,IA

The Alcoa Company in Davenport,IA, is helping the to promote a safe environment for our a nesting couple of our national birds, south of the more familiar Decorah Eagle cam. 

In finding out more about the second Eagle couple they have been nesting together at the Alcoa plant for the last three years, but have only become nest cam stars in the last two. 

The Company is asking public assistance to name the three eaglets for this season...joining their parents Liberty and Justice. 

Stop over to watch the little eaglets too and add your suggestion for names...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ According to Matthew

In the ninth hour Jesus yielded up the ghost. The evening was approaching, the Jewish Sabbath was about to begin...

La Via Dolorosa

Mark Chapter 15: 16 - 21 (King James Version)

16. And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium: and they call together the whole band.
17. And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head.
18. And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!
19. And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshiped him.
20. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out to crucify him.
21. And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian,who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander Rufus, to bear his cross...

Sandi Patti - La Via Dolorosa - The Passion of the Christ

Mark 15: 25-26, 33-39

25. And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.
26. And the subscription of his accusations was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
33. And when the sixth hour was come, there was a darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
34. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
35. And some of them stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.
36. And one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down.
37. And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.
38. And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
39. And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

In remebrance of my Christian heritage I want to share with you the events of the Lord's death, burial and Resurrection....

To be continued...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tulips Arrive 1 Month Early In Pella - Video - KCCI Des Moines

Pella. Iowa will be experiencing their tulips a month earlier than usual. Pella Tulip Time scheduled for May 3rd - 5th will have a different perspective...Even though the blooms will probably be faded by then, you can still count on lots of Dutch heritage activities to keep you busy.

Tulips Arrive 1 Month Early In Pella - Video - KCCI Des Moines

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Earl Wagner - Sprint Car Racer

While out exploring in a little Iowa town recently. I came across a mural painted on the side of a main-street building, just across the alley from the United States Post Office.
After seeing the mural in passing on another occasion this was the day I got the chance for a closer examination.
                A tribute to a  local legendary individual in Midwest car racing named Earl Wagner

Significant Career Accomplishments from 1958 - 1973

A beautiful tribute to Earl from the community where he was a longtime resident and public servant...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Favorite Coffee Bean Provider

Smokey Row Coffee Company
 Last Saturday, I was out and about in the South Central part of Iowa, Pleasantville to be more specific.

Having some time to fill before attending a family Bridal Shower, I drove around town looking for a few things to capture on camera.

Ah,yes! And to stop by a coffee shop  for which I had become familiar through a retail grocery store in Des Moines, and then online

I like grinding my own beans fresh every morning, mid-morning, and um yes...just after noon. You could call me a caffeine junky.

I am not into the sweet coffee mixtures,except maybe a splash of cream, and some stevia occasionally - brew it for me mild roast, please!

My Preferences at the Moment
From left to right: Peace Organic Blend, Ethiopia Yergacheffe, Organic Green Truck and Tanzania.

There is one other I have used, but need to wait to bring it back into the cupboard. It is also another organic blend called "Blue Truck".

So, if you enjoy trying new coffee, stop by the shop, or visit them online.

This is simply my take on a product I enjoy...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Afternoon Timber Walk

Today turned out to be another beautiful day! Extremely windy, but temperature wise we had another absolutely gorgeous day!!!

This morning I removed the memory card from my trail camera to check the activity and  took some pictures on my other camera before reaching the trail camera.So I ended up bringing both cards home before lunch to transfer pictures to the computer.

This afternoon before the day got totally gone I headed back to get the memory card situated in the trail camera for the night.

Thinking back to a couple of my trips last week I saw turkeys in fields to the south and got some distance shots - might decide to share them later. It probably would be a good idea for me to put more time in between visits to pick-up the memory card. Too much traffic might be causing the turkeys to seek more privacy elsewhere, because I haven't seen them for a few days. All is quiet where they are concerned.

Trout Lily
Last week I saw the mottled leaves for the White Trout Lily erupting out of the ground and remembered a post by Casey Harn at Wandering Owl Outside. He has moved over to The Countryside Round now...still enjoy his posts when he has time to publish.

Turkey Vulture
The Turkey Vultures came back a couple of weeks ago. I told you I would keep you informed of their return, they seem to be one of indicators that the weather should remain good.

I didn't have my camera in hand this morning, or I would have had a picture of one riding low on a thermal over the house.

Last year I had some good photo ops with one that I will post some time in the future.

On my walk this afternoon I caught an extremely sweet scent wafting on the stiff winds - I would prefer the poetic lilt of gentle breezes, but that wouldn't describe the West winds at 18 gusting to 26.

The trees have been rocking all day - The Ides of March?

Timber Violet
Antler Shed
Kneeling on a deer trail to get pictures of the two White Trout Lillies, I wasn't concentrating on anything else. Sadie came up beside me, that is when I looked to my right. Another shed! Wouldn't you just know it, after I had quit looking for them. This one is really a victim of chewing.

I brought it back to the house to see if it matched anything I already had in my inventory. No, it doesn't seem to correspond to those already in my possession...

The trail camera should prove a valuable tool this summer. Maybe, I will get to see the owners of the sheds left behind.

Virginia Bluebell
All the flowers in bloom now are leading up to another yearly event, that of morel mushroom hunting. The only flower yet to open up is the Mayapple. I am told that is another flower that helps indicate the right conditions for the search to begin.

We need more rain to get the mushrooms to pop. The heat is already here...

Iowa's relative of the Prairie Dog -Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Isn't that  a cute little face?

Popping out of the burrow to check on Passersby

Adaptation for Camouflaging
This morning I caught this individual as it turned it's back on me. Color adaptations for remaining illusive seems to be working here. These little four footed creatures have taken over from one end of the crop ground/pastures to the far ends of the timber.
It is hard to believe that they can be so prolific with the predators and raptors that call this area home.

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel Doe  

This picture was taken September 28th, 2011 along our drive as I went to pick-up the mail. She sat and stared - changing position occasionally. Tiring of my visit she returned to the safety of her burrow.

Statistically they say the little does have one litter of pups a year, in the spring.

My curiosity about how the family units and individuals are titled sent me on a web search.

I found out that the babies are called 'pups, kit or kittens'. The female of the group is called a doe, the males are bucks. Goodness! They sure do have a size difference from Whitetails we usually associate with does and bucks.

With the unseasonably warm temperatures I am wondering if they will start their families soon?

A few years ago I started hearing what I thought was a different bird around the house, only to find that it was their call, a high-pitched trill. I now know what to look for when I hear it...

This collection of ground squirrel mounds is only a small representative of the total picture. I have discovered they like the shorter grass of the lawn along the drive.

Their burrowing has created some slow going when driving in a strip of ground between some  fields. It is wise to drive at a snails pace in case the opening have been covered by taller grass growth...don't want to flatten the tires.

The ground is lacking in moisture and makes digging a very easy task...These are freshly disturbed openings to additional tunnels. New mounds in the spring are the first indications they are waking up for the season.

Our property is also host to the Ground Hog, which I had associated with some of the larger holes. However, my observations revealed a different story.

As strange as it might seem these little Ground Squirrels are related to the Prairie Dog,

I had the opportunity to catch this Prairie Dog sunning in a colony, while my Hubby and I drove through the Black Hills of South Dakota, back in September of 2007. They too had created some problems for farmers and animal grazers at the time of our last visit. It appears maybe now they have gained some acceptable populations.

I am always grateful for October to arrive in this case, because the Ground Squirrels, cute as they might be, disappear for a few months...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shed Hunting Comes to an End

Yesterday was the last day of shed hunting here at Timber Life.

We found our last antler on Monday, along with the top side of  a canine skull. I may have seen it last year in my rounds, but left it. This year I brought it back to the house to do some research to define which predator species coyote, or fox had found it's rest among the trees.

Coyote Skull - 6 3/4" from back to jaw tip

Back to the final tally for the active shed hunt season: Sadie- 2 - CDGardens - 3, plus 3 in cooperation for a total of eight. I would see something, head in that direction to check it out, and Sadie would run ahead to confirm it with the sniff test.

I have four antlers in good shape and four antlers in various states of gnaw or rub damage. I stated it was the ratio of three good and five damaged on another website, but looking things over again, I need to readjust the number by one.

Now that I have recorded the take Sadie will get to add the damaged ones to her stash of chew sticks for as long as they last.

Plans for antler art = chandelier are coming together with each yearly addition...