Put out the feeder after I heard and saw the birds in the trees. Only a few minutes elapsed until they were sitting enjoying their sweet treat.
Tried to get pictures yesterday without success.
Today, the guys weren't worried about that woman standing on the porch. They were worried about sipping nectar and chasing each other.
The male orioles don't seem to have a huge problem with sharing the oak trees as they feed.
Sharing the feeder seems to be more territorial.
In my observation I notice that a pair, male and female, will sit in the little tree close by. The female goes to eat and the male becomes the target of another male that comes swooping in to chase him away...
Cool pictures. My hometown high school mascot was the orioles. I honestly don't think I have ever saw any in the wild.
simplyoutdoors - They really are a pretty songbird.I hope you get to see them up close some time and here their songs.
We have quite a few Bullock's Orioles around here - I never knew they even lived in our area till we put up bird feeders in our yard! A beautiful bird, for sure!
Tom Sorenson - I must agree whole heartedly about the beauty of the bird. Really very pretty when they are in motion, or sitting still.
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